Family land makes choosing plots for graves easy.
I use The Chairman as a catch-all term for him. Works with all my domains.
Accidents happen ALL the time, and sometimes, people just disappear.
They do. But don’t link me to that.
My wife and I save cats, that are “unplaceable”. All were neglected, and many abused. We have seen some fairly neglected/abused animals, and we have saved EVERY, single one. It REALLY angers me, when I hear, or see firsthand, the effect of abuse of animals, and it DOES make one want to grab the car keys, and find the responsible, but, alas, we do not.
Our latest addition is more often mistaken for a small lion, as he is almost 35 pounds, of orange tiger Mainecoon. He NOW, guards the house, our clan, and anyone who IS a friendly. Unknowns, or un-invited-s ?? Well, hehe, they’re on their own.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m a “people person”, but all things being equal, about 99.99% of animals, won’t do you wrong, or sell you out, like people will.
Dogs, cats, fish, whatever your thing is, most times, they won’t let you down.
ib Sound like the ones I take into my routine: The last put all in hospital. Obviously just a fun point in mind to me.: keep caring for oddballs but as I may switch country in the long term is not an option. So herbs are my plantd.
I send 2kg gift packs monthly to China. So my girls have fun. And I get permission to examine all for logic or paranormal issues. Not allowed when together:
due to risks - dragging something home.
There is no honor greater, than defending the defensless.
Well, I class honour as an odd luxury.
Hehe, I had a feeling you would say something like that.
Do you have any ?
Odd Luxuries
Just a recap of me going through all cinematic logic.
Some of these are so old, look at the grass growing on these 2…
I don’t tend to judge the dead on lawn care.
That is not what I was doing, it just means they have been resting for many years now. those are the older graves. their whole family could be gone by now, who knows. I buried my parents ashes where they wanted to be on my old property in Ontario they loved to sit in the yard together we had a small pond so that is where they rest. I kept that to myself when I sold the property. you leave the dead rest. Never disturb them.
The graveyard is a mix. I only judge the modern ones: Either full of toys or decorations. But I’m stuck in Liverpool - horse and carriage funerals are the norm.
I knew a Maine Coon once, they’re very special. My wife took our cat to the vet one day in Abu Dhabi and came home with a Norwegian Forest cat that had been left on the vet’s doorsteps. Poor guy didn’t do well in the heat there. Now, he’s in his element as we have lots of woods and it gets cold here.
We took him to a vet here and they asked if they could use him as a model, lol.