WHAT Has Made You Smile Today? (III)

Oh yeah, I’ve heard of those label printers. We had a discussion in a thread once. I would like to create decent labels for my mixes and transferred flavors.


The QL700 is fantastic. Comes with lots of clip art choices and you can easily make your own.

Chery Cola

Super simple but the labels arent coated which is why i wanted the handheld as they are coated.


Like laminated? That would be good. I like those labels that are removable, adhere by static cling. They can used over and over again.


They arent laminated but they have some kind of coating to prevent them from wearing off. They are MUCH easier to remove than the QL700 but only two line of text and 1 font. Not exactly easy to peal them from the backing but even my old man hands can do it. And i got it at Walmart along with the tapes so it is available locally in some places.


Yea i think that why i use to go through printers so much . Printer on sale costs 30 bucks but ink replacement costs 50. Well i might as well just buy a new printer for less then the ink


@Ken_O_Where I run the QL-710W, and I’m assuming you’re using the “tape” and not the “labels”, as Brother makes semi-gloss coated “film”, or the plain dry paper.


I use the labels for the 700. Got a link for the coated ones on amazon? Ill buy a bunch. I mostly bought the P45 because i needed labels small enough for 10-15ml bottles, other uses too but that was the main reason.


My neighbor had one until she ripped it out. I was so disappointed and asked her why. She didn’t know, just shrugged her shoulders. Bonehead :roll_eyes:


Well labels can work, just depends on what size your printing them for. I’ve been on the “tape” (paper), and “film” (coated/glossy) since the beginning, because I print a lot of labels, and in my case, saved me a lot of money. I’ve actually had surprisingly good luck even with the somewhat cheaper tape, that have held up very good, despite not being as tough as the film.

The QL has been a real workhorse for me, and I love that I can print from any device in the house via WIFI. I never know which machine I’ll be on, when I have to run a big batch job. The included software also works pretty good as well.

I just buy the continuous tape in bulk .


I definitely dont mind switching. Kinda tired of my labels wearing off after using the bottle for a month or so.

Well, i just realized i could put a piece of clear tape over it.

Time for sleep, my thoughts are becoming to logical…


I print using mostly the 1.1" tape, and it’s fine for 10ml up to 500ml, and I have different templates I use for each size bottle / print job.


Speaking of labels has anyone tried these that have been flooding all over the market? They are supposed to waterproof on any surface and some of the videos showing printing like elabirate graphics on bottles. I think they are like 200 bucks on amazon.


Smile because I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time. I finally removed my old Macs, a PowerMac G4 and G3 and ready for recycle or trade in if qualified. Dayum, these dinosaurs are heavy! And it’s hot and humid as heck right now. I’m pooped. I’m also hauling in my old AIO printer, another dino. Not smiling because I had to get up in the attic where it’s over 100F. @Lostmarbles at one point I thought I was going to die up there if I didn’t get out fast enough. That’s when I thought of you and your weather report :crazy_face:


Be careful with that humidity it’ll suck the breath right out of you when combined with high heat. I’ve had it happen to me to the point of passing out. It hits fast and hard, so limit your time doing anything physically strenuous. Take breaks often, or just wait for a better day to do it.


Ya got that right. We’ve been having 90F weather but with humidity levels in the 90+% range. It’s like walking around in your own private steam room and the door is locked. You passed out once? Dayum!

The good news is I just came back from dropping off the electronics and a young employee was at the door and his eyes popped out when he saw the PowerMac G4. He followed me to the counter continuing to stare at the Mac. I commented that he seemed fascinated by it and he said he had never seen anything like it before! :rofl:

"Graphite" Power Mac G4


I know some people collect the older Macs, They practically worship them.

Yeah, I was doing some yard work during my first summer in the desert. It was a high heat/high humidity day and every once in awhile I’d stand next to the sprinkler to cool off. I was bending over to pick up a palm frond and that’s all I remember. Had to go to the ER and get an IV to re-hydrate. Pretty scary. Now I don’t do jackshit on high heat/humidity days. It’s a lot easier to succumb to it once you already have. Plus its a great excuse to stay inside and watch TV with a cold beer.


Did it still work @muth ? The ‘Power’ chips were somewhat early RISC chips and was a joint Apple-IBM-Motorola venture/cooperation. Before that Macs used straight Motorola 68000 processors (I worked at Motorola during this time). I can remember re-homing SIMS memory upgrades off our factory floor to upgrade Mac Se/SE30’s.

I still have a Powerbook G4 that runs, and a MacPro (Intel xeon chip) that still runs (looks similar to yours but all silver) :+1:


Yes. The only use it got was installing some musical applications and then after that I had already moved on to other music software/laptop and never used it again. I stepped away from music long enough for everything to become obsolete. Doesn’t take long. Point is I wasn’t going to use it anymore and didn’t need it. Between it’s size and weight, it had become an albatross. I searched around for pricing and maybe I could have gotten a couple hundred but I wasn’t into packing it off and I didn’t want to wait for a local to come buy it. Sounds like you maybe had a Graphite? I think mine was called Quicksilver.


This made me smile. My first Mac was an LC-II (68030). Moved up to another ‘Pizza Box’ Mac with the Performa 460 (68040). Loved the Performa & System 7. Still have a bunch of software for the pre- System X macs. All the old Macs finally got recycled. Had 3 iMacs, & a Quadra. Like Muth, they weren’t going to be used any longer, and didn’t want the kids to have to deal with getting rid of them, when that time came.

Presently on a Late 2012 Mac mini. Absolutely love this thing. Runs as good as it did when I bought it in 2013. Will probably pick up another mini when the time comes. 30 years of Macs, and never used any, nada, zip, virus protection. Not a bad record.