WHAT Has Made You Smile Today? (III)

Thanks! It’s actually the second $100 I won this week. I won $100 on a Monopoly. I guess it’s my lucky week. I think my daughter is getting addicted to trying to win a million…


LOL, I probably would have given up in 10 minutes …


The add scrambles my thoughts occasionally. My daughter can do it in 5 minutes… and there I am still looking to see if I have a darn E :rofl: like I’m finished with my coffe and still looking for it!


You can’t button mash a scratchie :grin:


I win a ton of money on luckylandslots. The only gambling/casino iv ever had luck with . Probably up over 15k in the last year.





Today i walked in to what passes for a vape shop up here these days and saw they were selling Psilocybin growing kits. Ive been wanting to experiment with micro-dosing for my neuropathy after researching it for months. Now i can:

This is just to dip my toes into the water, if it works ill dive in a little deeper and forgo the kits.

The top part contains the culture and the bottom is the medium, it was around 70$ total and i should be able to get 2 to 3 harvest at 6-8 weeks each. The amount will depend on how well i take care of it. They have several different culture options but this is all that was left until they restock, i would have liked to have had a strain that isnt so hallucinogenic but its for micro-dosing so im not sure it matters.


I’d like to know how well you do with that. I’ve done some very minor research on it but I didn’t go far because I didn’t know that kits were available. I’ve had constant pain in my arm, legs and back for three years and the prescription stuff just makes me not care about the pain even though it’s still there. I hate taking pills.


Here you go. This looks interesting. I did lots of good stuff in the 70-80’s and I wouldn’t mind doing some low level stuff, just out of curiosity.
I always thought these things grew in cow shit, though.


Im the same way. My first doctor wanted to put me on opiates for the neuropathy and i said absolutely not. One of the reasons we moved to Michigan is that THC is legal and many other things are in the grey market as several areas have legalized them other areas are pushing the boundaries.

My neuropathy is mostly in the legs and feet but does crawl up to areas you dont ever want to have that kind of pain. Ive described as fire ants constantly biting me but as my nerves die of it is changing, first to pin pricks all the time to single “stab” like pains that can last several minutes and are quite intense.

Kratom works but no matter what strain i tried there is just to much of an energy boost so i cant take at the time is usually the worst, bedtime. THC concentrates work well too, especially sublingual RSO dosing but the amount required really knocks me on my ass.

At the same place i bought this kit i purchased some legal mushroom capsules, Amanita Muscaria and a couple others. While these dont produce hallucinations they are a dissociative. These is what sent me on my research path as they work well but in doses that include the dissociative effects which i do not like.

One last thing, the culture syringes can be purchased many places, Sporeworks dot com is one of the most popular on the subreddits where they are discussed. If this works they are who ill be ordering from.


Well that sounds very painful.
Somewhat similar to the shingles pain in reverse order though. Started with stabbing, now numb and I say itchy but ant bites is more accurate of a description.
All along my brow bone on the right side of my head. I’m still hoping it goes away but they say if you’ve still got it after three months, you’re likely to have it for life (post herpetic neuralgia).

I hope the shrooms work for you :hugs:


A big round of applause for this guy. :clap: :clap: :clap:


I was on opiates for years for my back. At one time i was starting to get bad but backed it down to 1 to 2 a day and was pretty strict about not taking more then that. A few years ago i switched to kratom. Imo its much stronger then a lot of opiates. It worked great for a while with my back pain. However i had to stop because i think the digestive issues i have atemmed from when i was taking the kratom. That stuff really does a number on your gut. I was constantly super constipated from it.


ELR Recipe contest is trending at #2 on ATF :pray:

Go to ATF, heart the recipe and click mix, (comments / ratings help too):ok_hand: let’s push this over the TOP !



Thanks All :pray:, we be trending :+1:


Was going through my stash of vape gear and found a few new Pulse BF’s. Plus a whole lot more. Forgot I had this stuff. Found six of these. Work great with a Profile and a 20700


What coils do you run on the pulse for single and dc rdas? . I have one just havent used it much


Just a mesh with this Profile RDA

