WHAT Has Made You Smile Today? (III)

That company may possibly never recoup the cost of that commercial-grade shredder over packing peanuts, but they’re, you know, like saving the planet and stuff :face_with_hand_over_mouth:



K-balling was my 1st thought as well :grin:


Well, this starts off as What do you hate? My scale sliding off the table while holding a freshly mixed bottle in one hand but managing to catch the fall with my left hip but not enough to stop it completely as it slides down my leg which I hold out to mitigate the impact on a carpeted floor. Whew, that was a long sentence. End of story, my scale seems to be working fine as I continue to mix. I worked down my queue to one recipe, the long one :smiling_face: I’m calling it a successful day for mixing. End of smiley day.


Good day on luckyland.

This is just a ffew


Gotta say that I think “Hannibal” was one of the best series ever on broadcast television. Perfectly cast, outstanding writing and story lines and incredible visuals. I was kinda shocked that it was on broadcast TV…and so pleased.


Same here @Cary1.


The biggest thing that made me smile is Buddah (my doggo) absolutely LOVES his homemade food! He’s not feeling icky and his stomach doesn’t hurt anymore. Been about 4 days off his commercial food. Today was his first full day of his new mix. The past 3 have just been boiled burger and rice. I added sweet potato, carrots, peas to that along with a supplement. GOD is good. When my animals are sick, I hate it.


Just got peaches back to normal. She got her regimen of vaccines and reacted to one or all the shots. Last time this happened the vet recommended a diet of protein. rice , sweet potato or pumpkin puree and a pre/probiotics. Two weeks of that and a week of reintroduction of her kibble. She’s back to normal without another trip to the vet.


I’m glad to hear she’s back to normal. My guy has always had a sensitive stomach, since the day I got him. Berners are known for it.


Leave it to the Dutch.


Cutting the grass and had to stop for a quick pic of the tulips in bloom. :grinning: That’s a big ass mulberry tree that’s bare now, but the birds really love them and then shit pink everywhere. :frowning_face:


You look to be a month behind us in the upper Midwest. Our tulips lost their pedals about two weeks ago.


Our tulips started blooming 2 weeks ago, and Crocus’ back early March

We’re actually about two weeks ahead of schedule/normal.

Dahliah’s go in the ground this weekend, and our Rhubarb is already going to seed.


We’re about 3 weeks behind. Can’t remember a baseball season this cool this late into May. All it wants to do is go to 70 F and rain or be 50 and sunny.


You dog’s name is Buddah? Love it! I am so glad the diet is working out. I had the same issue with Nikko, my cat. By the time I realized that commercial cat food was practically synonymous to poison he was already sick with hyperthyroidism and possibly GI Lymphoma. Funny how some vets practically gasp when you suggest a “real” diet for your cat. Towards the end I was cooking for him and he loved it.


We have a mulberry tree that we call the Tree of Life because every animal in the area comes to it once it starts producing. We get to see migrating birds for a short while. I eat them too.


Glad to hear about your Peaches, too. I was constantly concerned about Nikko’s health and at one point he had a vet who finally did NOT recommend any more vaccinations for him. Idk about dogs but I read that they’ve been over vaccinating cats for awhile now and some vets are backing off. Iirc, specifically the FeLV type shots they start as kittens they find give them immunity for life. Don’t quote me on details because I might not be remembering exactly how it went with each shot. I just found it interesting since now they’re realizing that we humans aren’t even being vaccinated properly. They can’t even agree on whether to aspirate or not. Don’t mind me, I feel a rant coming on. I’ll bid you all a good night…pleasant dreams :smiling_face:


Thanks for bringing back great memories of my grandmother. She’d spend about 10 minutes under that tree eating them when she’d come to visit. My girls want us to make jelly with some.


Yes! I got him at 4 months old and that’s the name he had, I thought it suited him. I’m kind of mad at myself for not realizing the commercial food was crap sooner…it’s like he tried telling me a couple years ago, and I thought he was just being picky. Now I’ve talked to so many people who’ve been through the same thing. :heart: