WHAT Has Made You Smile Today? (III)

Nah, it is just my heart is bigger for animals than homo sapiens, but thank you for believing the best of me regardless.


Is that where you sleep ? :rofl:


Yup, she sent me a ton load of juice and flavors.


Did I miss a sale? I would have bought some French Vanilla for sure. @Ken_O_Where sent me some RF BL French Vanilla and I’m about to crack it open from a steep.


I witnessed the worse dog fight many years ago when Pit Bull fighting was rampant. I came home one day and there was a Pit Bull inside my yard looking kind of strange just staring at me. I said hello dog and went inside. Next thing I know I hear my neighbor screaming, “He’s killing my dog!” I look outside my window and the Pitbull was on top of his dog with his jaws locked onto his throat. He couldn’t get him off and next thing I see him come out with a pitch fork and thrust it into the Pitbull but all it did was pierce it’s skin. It was horrible to watch. The police were called and there was a small crowd of people outside so I went out to see. I heard the cop tell everyone to stand back and I heard a gun shot. Then the Pitbull came running out towards us with a gunshot between it’s eyes. I couldn’t believe that dog was running with a bullet in it’s head. The cop had to take it down with another shot from behind through it’s neck. It dropped right in front of me. I just laid my head down on the fence and sobbed. I pieced it all together right away. I knew this dog was abused by the fights he was forced in to and it wasn’t his fault. So heartbreaking.

Turns out the Pit bull had rabies so the owner just set it free. That day, it had killed my neighbor’s dog and one of his kittens. A neighbor said they saw the other kitten run under the car. I bent down and sure enough the little guy had climbed up into the frame and was hiding. Poor baby looked terrified. I never want to see anything like that again. It took some time before the police broke up the illegal fight rings. I seethe with hatred towards people who exploit animals for their own selfish and egotistical benefit. May they all rot in hell.


Was your dog okay after that fight?


That blaxk label was great…No sale , just need a handful of flavors that ive run out of and grabbing a couple ive never had


Ok… are you in the states? I had one of these on the bottom of my jeans stuck between my jeans and my riding boots. I got in my car and saw it just about dead. I got it outside and he was crawling on the ground. I’m assuming it was from standing in the clover grass where my horse was eating…looked just like that. Looked more like the bottom photo… I’ve never really seen a bee that dark.


She’s in the Netherlands, Lynda Marie.


I think she has finished plugging up the hole.

She always entered on the left side so the whole length is probably full of little compartments with an egg in each one.
It would be nice if I could see through it. Hopefully I see them come out next spring.


Oh yeahh , even better then vape mail.


This is truly shocking and I hope the owner was held accountable and liable for the carnage it caused.

I am there with you Muth, 150%. This makes my blood boil!


I’ve always had good luck with Asus MB builds.


No, he had 2 emergency surgeries afterwards to reattach the muscles, but he died shortly after. Here is a pic of him (black/white dog).
ShilaBuddy wedding
He was 12 years old and the neighbor’s dog was 3 years old. Shortly after, my neighbor got divorced and moved away with her dogs. The nightmare still wasn’t over, her dog got out again and killed 44 chickens so my ex-neighbor was forced to put her dog down.


That’s tragic @KC111. Can this get to a point, where she just isn’t ALLOWED to have animals anymore ?


Yea i havent gone with anything but asus for many years


I would certainly hope so. Her dog actually attacked me and my dog twice, but the first time was minor bites on my arm that just required a tetanus shot but my dog did needed surgery. I refused to put her dog down when Animal Control came out both times but I did force my neighbor to constantly monitor her dog ON A LONG LEASH whenever he went outside. The 3rd time after he killed the chickens, Animal Control seized him so none of us were able to save him. Last I heard, she moved to CA and CA has tough breeding laws and restrictions, so who knows?


That would be cool. My friends saw a Robin build a nest above their front door which had a pane of glass. They could see every stage of the nest building, egg sitting, hatching and so on, up until the mother taught them how to forage for food. That was the scary part because the neighbor’s cat came into the yard but all was good in the end. They all made it :blush:


Aw he looks like a sweet dog.

This is what I mean about people. None of that would have happened with a responsible dog owner. And now the dog paid the ultimate price. It’s never the animal, it’s the owner. My friend came close to losing her dog when an owner let his aggressive dog loose in a public dog park. It sunk its fangs into her chest missing her heart by a 1/4 inch. The good part was that the owner took her and her dog to their vet and paid for the bill. But if he knew his dog was prone to attacks why let it off leash in a dog park? I just don’t get people.


Finally the shed is up! :slightly_smiling_face: Still have wiring, plumbing, and shelving to complete though.