WHAT Has Made You Smile Today? (III)

Is it a squonk?


No its Smoant product dual 18650 batteries. It was ahead of its time


Made some Minnesota style “Juicy Lucy” cheese stuffed hamburgers. Definitely made me smile as juice dripped down my chin. :yum:


Good samaritans …


Calvarese said the incident “hit close to home.”

“That could have been my wife,” he said. “People need to stop grabbing their phones and videoing and do something or this will just keep happening.”


IT"S A MIRACLE !!! Some of you may know that I’ve been struggling with a failed window and door replacement project since February 3 of this year and putting me in debt $16,098. Now I’m not opposed to paying for a job well done but this was a nightmare. They failed to pull a building permit (necessary in my state) and it turned out that the company wasn’t even registered to do business in my state. After long deliberation and getting nowhere with them I was forced to seek legal counsel. As of yesterday, the lawyer advised me to pay the debt to the consumer loan in order to protect my credit and then sue the company for damages :grimacing: eeks. As I called the bank today to ask some questions about my promotional due date, she noticed a zero balance on my bill. Looking further she saw that 2 days ago the company had returned the money to them! I owe nothing to Wells Fargo Bank, my creditor! I made her say it 3 times because I could not believe it. I had sent a demand letter to the president of the company but I never got a direct reply. My guess is that his own lawyers advised him to return the money.


Thats a win. Congrats @muth


If you only knew how much I needed a win like this. It’s been hell for too long.


Congrats @muth, that WAS a long haul win.


Thank you @SessionDrummer too long! I think my hair was starting to fall out :rofl:

I wanted to ask you. I placed an order on Smokstore for an OG Berserker only to find out they weren’t even in stock. If they’ll give me the same deal on the B3 would you recommend it? I saw your review on ECF and it seemed you liked it. Lol, Mike Vapes really likes it too.


I have 2 B3’s @muth and I quite like them. I prefer my OG ones but have the B3’s put away in my spares for the moment given our vaping restrictions here.


@muth, although @Ianc13 is probably the zerker expert, I would still get the B3. Very good.

In my opinion, the flow pins worked very well …


Thank you for the feedback :+1:



What will this be used for? I can’t tell the size of it. Is it a personal, mobile panel? I’d love to have one of those.


Well @muth I’m glad you asked. I’m just supplementing my off-grid power, with some MORE of it. :slight_smile:

ECOFLOW had a very big sale recently on Amazon, and it was TOO good to pass up. I’m finishing up upgrading ALL of my batteries to the NEW Game Changer LFP batteries, and they ARE the ones to beat now.

I balance the watts from the panels to almost max out the inputs on whatever rack I’m sending it to. That was a recent order of (2) 220 watt, bifacial panels.

You can easily charge the ECOFLOW stations from AC grid power, solar (as above) or even your car LOL.

Who knows, maybe our grid will experience some “unexpected” issues coming up, so I’m ready on ready.


I happened on an old thread discussing an ELR recipe by @Mourning_Glory that was published in an eBook on Amazon by a recipe thief :rage: The smiley part of the story is I searched his/her recipes here and found some great stuff! Ya never know what you can find here. And I thought I knew all the mixer’s around town! There are so many talented creators that no one has heard of.

@SessionDrummer was part of that conversation and I’m sure remembers it (2017). The recipe was published here in 2016 and still relevant today with maybe pct tweaks for your current gear.


All personal use, and there are a FEW good brands, but right now, I’m loving the ECOFLOW panels, because they offer the added benefit of being Bi-Facial, which adds to the watts.

Regardless of your reasons, or reasoning @muth having a reasonable portable power source should NEVER be overlooked.

Great for whever you need power, sheds, camping, you name it, and yes, “unexpected” power outages too.


I wish I could afford one of those whole house solar generators. Maybe in the foreseeable future. I know shit will hit the fan at some point :wink:


I hear ya @muth. You don’t even have to go “Full House”, as actually ANYTHING you get, can be HUGE, when you need it.


LOL because I’ve even got a small stash of USB-C input battery chargers LOL. DC out of the powerstation, into the DC input of the batt chargers, right to the batts.