WHAT Has Made You Smile Today? (III)

Only a little mad? We will fix that, hehe.

We went down and picked our our boy this weekend. His non name was dark blue collar. We gave him his official name. We still have to wait until October but it was so cool to meet him and his family.


Love labs! Even the hyper ones. My black lab was the smartest dog I’ve ever had. Never spent a single day training her. She just knew what to do and was in trouble only once for eating a shoe.


Ive had all kinds of dogs in my life my little mutts to Great Danes. Never had a lab tho. My nephew adopted one last year and we fell in love instantly, he is a hyper shithead yet super smart and so lovable. Well, we had to have one, make that two as we are looking for a chocolate lab too.

We went to the same breeder where he got his for Odin but they havent had a choco in a litter in two years so we are looking up here. Really looking forward to having some labs in the family!


If you’ve got a pond on property, he’s gonna be a very happy boy.


We dont but my uncle does just a ways down the road, he has 4 or 5 ponds. Really hope he likes water, our last dog, a 130 pound Argentine Dogo, hated water. Would make me chase him around the house for a bath and then force me to carry him the whole way. Im a bit too old for that now, lol.

We go to Lake Superior a lot so they will love water or learn to. :smiley:


I had a Malamute/Shepard, a Lab, Boston Terrier and a good ol terrier mutt all at the same time. My last one passed away a bit over a month ago and it’s been strange not hearing tap dancing coming from the kitchen at 4pm (dinner time) every day. They all lived to be 14 - 17 years old so they were part of the family for quite awhile.

Don’t think I’ll get another anytime soon.


Sorry to hear that, thankfully you had all those wonderful years together. That pitter patter is such a wonderful sound.

After Thor, Captain Poo Face, passed away we were devastated and are just now finally ready to have another.

They are wonderful creatures, perhaps the best.


I agree, but I have to say that my iguanas (long time ago) had almost as much personality and cuddles as my dogs. They just refused to fetch and loved baths.


So he was born in August. Better hope it’s not on my birthday, then you get a mad one no matter what colour it is.


7 days after yours and rockys bday and 10 days before mine. Little fella has a chance!


I found 5 marijuana seeds in my freezer. Just from plants I had, not feminized.
Only one sprouted. It’s just one stem without any branches, but it is female :pray:


An elephant and a mouse fell in love and decided to get married.
On their wedding night, the elephant keeled over and died.
The mouse said: “Oh fate! I have bartered one moment of pleasure for a lifetime of digging a grave!”


That’s a good one @Josephine_van_Rijn.

Well, my 13.5 year old Weber Genesis was starting to act up, which I can’t complain about, as it’s been over 13 years of flawless operation. I really neglected the cleaning/maintenance, and it suffered outside many times, uncovered, so it’s had a hard life. The gas tubes had rusted, and it wasn’t heating evenly, so rather than detail it like I normally do, decided to replace the plates, tubes, flavorizer bars, igniters, and igniter block.

Wow, back to brand new-ish.


That’s a helluva lot of work! Kudos to you :flushed:


My Spirit is about 20 now. Replaced the flavor bars a couple of times and upgraded the the grate’s to cast iron. I do keep it in a screened porch with a roof. Keep it covered with a vinyl cover. Haven’t needed to replace the burner (stainless steel) tubes yet. It’s like the Enigiser bunny. It keeps running and running.


With the exception of the Smoke Fire, Weber has an impressive track record, and clearly, knows how to build something that lasts.


There built about 3 miles from the house in Huntley, IL. There’s a Mfg building and a warehouse across the street. About 25 acres between the two.
I remember back in the day everything was done in Palatine IL Office and mfg. Palatine is office space only now. They always have made a quality product for a premium price.


biden trump debate as babies


Hot rodded the new Weber today with some mag wheels