WHAT Has Made You Smile Today? (III)

It was better than looking through my moms Sears catalog


That somehow triggered my mind to hunt for a named serial killer.


Possibly having the chance to watch an asteroid fly by tonight.

2023 DZ2 with pass between the Earth and Moon today and may be visible to the naked eye around 8pm (GMT).

Oh, and for those who whinge about preparedness: This asteroid was only discovered a month ago and pretty much shows that an Armageddon style defence would be useless.


Careful with that one :fearful:


Ah, Jeffrey Dahmer was the one with the Sears fetish: I knew there was a fun serial killer link.

I will celebrate the dusty playground of my imagination doing its job with a fitting song about another productive chap:

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Great find @SquirrelSmash, as none of my NASA contacts tipped me off.


Not having the capacity to imagine the suffering that would warrant a euthanasia request, I finally understood when a friend in stage IV ovarian cancer said, "They put animals to sleep, why can’t they do the same for us?


It is hard to imagine, particularly as many don’t encounter such things often. My days as a priest in waiting involved lots of care in hospices. So, I saw people suffering with unimaginable pain to most and after the first few times, my views changed a lot.


I’ve had a preview of how my death will be without thyroid medication. It’s pretty good.
You just sleep more and care less until you don’t wake up at all.
That’s reassuring.

That made me smile, Blind Melon.
That takes me back. I’ve been to a couple of festivals where they played and managed to sleep through their performance every time.

Mind you, I managed to sleep through Slash’s Snakepit at the Lowlands.
They told me it was pretty loud. I only woke up after he stopped.


It seems that you have the luxury of narcolepsy or rapid phasing.

I am embuggered with wakefulness when a combination of antihistamines, SSRIs, booze and anything else on hand doesn’t work in letting me rest.


Only occasionally. I remember my in-laws driving me through the English countryside showing me around.
I would be asleep in minutes. That was the only time the child was quiet too and off I was.

Once in bed it’s a different story.
Booze doesn’t work for me. I don’t like the taste of it and I sleep even less.
Pills don’t work either. I seem to get all the side effects and none of the sleeping.
I don’t know why concerts put me to sleep. My neighbours probably wouldn’t like me to use it as sleep therapy.

Also the tiredness I feel during the day disappears when it’s getting time for bed. My brain seems to wake up when other people go to sleep.


I’ve always found that a phased reduction in the hours before when I need to sleep helps a tad: If I really need to have an early night, I’ll set all lights on a fading red pattern, put all devices on silent and put on something to listen to.

But, that doesn’t always work. I am definitely being reminded of it today as my back has been a mess for over a day.


A game of Nerdle helps to distract the ramblings of my brain.

maxi nerdlegame 65 5/6



Here’s a photo of her. Sorry for the delay - getting felines to obey a schedule is an idiom in its own right.

She’s doing well for an elderly girl with many issues.


No kidding? I did not know that. Almost sounds similar to carbon monoxide poisoning.


I think that goes a lot faster. It took me around a year to get there without meds.


She’s a beauty! And well rounded out (unless that’s all fur). All my pets had nice asses, round and plump. Of course, Nikko has dropped almost half his weight these days but here’s my “jealous husband” a couple years ago.


Please take your meds, Jose. I want you to wake up every day :heart: :hugs:


Well a cat’s arse is not a Brit’s concern - It’s more of a Russian thing.

(I am seeing how many times I can share this video during the War in Ukraine: as it shows the early stages of Putin’s organ and synaptic issues).

He looks like a beast of a cat - Reuben had that look in his eyes after leaving an exsanguinated bird on the dining table without spilling a drop. I assumed it was his attempt to provide materials for a dinner party after seeing me kill, pluck and dress a protein source for dinner.


Well, putting a positive spin isn’t too much of a challenge: Waiting for entropy to run its course is also tiresome and, there are always ways to add your perspective on things.