Generally in life, I’m not really concerned about myself. Life’s short enough as it is and you better enjoy it. But if I’d pass something on to someone else and could’ve avoided it by keeping some safety standards, I would never forgive myself.
Now with this crisis, even getting it is putting others at risk unnecessarily, give extra work to an already suffering healthcare system where a lot of staff don’t even get PPE… so yeah, not being responsible in all of this is IMO wrong in so many ways.
I would make sure I have plenty of food etc, and to be honest with my boss and ask to be furloughed.
Hi Steveo! Post more! haha!
I agree, never said anything to the PPE aspect of this.
On a side note… if you feel uncomfortable, tell your boss.
Tell him he has a boss, and you will do what needs to be done to protect yourself and your coworkers.
Be firm. Make changes happen. If there is a risk, and you really need to be making $… then make arrangements for you to be separated from your family till this blows over. It’s not worth taking it back to them, or for you to get sick either… I posted somewhere about nurses being told to leave their jobs, as protection was just not there… Wearing a mask and overseeing twenty five patients (patient overload) is not safe for anyone… You have some hard choices, but nothing that can not be fixed.
Hi Stevo,
I don’t know if it helps to ease your mind. I work in a call center environment and we had sick people with 3 strains of flu just end of February and beginning of March. A lot of strong coughing in the department. Everyone was concerned, but it turned out that nobody had COVID.
Looking back we have that every year at a point of time. Ventilation in the building and the constant talking on the phone make this job a target for respiratory issues.
This doesn’t mean not to follow the current distancing rules and washing hands and stay safe, but maybe it helps not getting too concerned since you coworker could maybe just have another issue.
If those suspected parties never get tested, then there’s no way to know if the ‘suspect’ is ‘guilty’. On top of that, are you 100% certain you and your family members have zero exposure to any potential virus sources except for your work environment? You see what I’m saying; the virus is pervasive and easily transmitted so it’s all but impossible to tell with any certainty where you or I caught it from, if we catch it.
Your boss is in the same position as you too, of course. He/she doesn’t want to get it or pass it to a vulnerable party or family member. It’s kind of tough all over these days. What really can you do other than PPE and taking temperatures as a precaution? Sure, a lot of cases are asymptomatic, but then, not having it also makes you asymptomatic, so it is what it is.
At the very least, take a little comfort in knowing that even if you or even vulnerable family members get it, there is an overwhelmingly large likelihood that it will not be fatal. That may not be a lot to hang your hat on, but working as an essential employee does carry risks. Personally, I applaud you for being out there helping keep essential services available.
@St3v0 Welcome (to your own first post LOL).
I would feel about as good as the stance in most states currently. UNLESS you are experiencing SEVERE symptoms, including high fever, trouble breathing, your doctor won’t give you a “prescription” to get tested. If you just walk/drive in, NO TEST FOR YOU.
It DOES seem utterly stupid. I mean what’s the POINT of testing someone if their exhibiting all the symptoms, and they are severe. That’s almost a waste OF a test AT that point, IMO.
Your situation seems to mirror that fairly closely. Clearly it DOES spread before you have any symptoms (and after), so it would seem the BEST people to test, are (beyond EVERYONE DUH) the people who are not showing symptoms.
To me it’s stupid.
I feel for ya @St3v0 , a lot of people got laid off and can collect unemployment, but “essential workers” really have no choice. My employer decided to Shut Down and lay everyone off temporarily even though the business is classified as “essential business”
My son works at a Dunkin Donuts and is still working, Drive thru only is open, His girlfriend had contact with someone with covid and when he called his Boss about it they said as long as he didn’t have direct contact with someone infected it was Ok to come to work, it’s crazy, my feeling is drive thru coffee shop is not “essential” at this point. Just stay home and make a coffee if ya need it that bad.
Just my thoughts, God bless
LOL, Not Essential, do not tell that to the US cop. Coffee, donuts and Rolaids keep the night safe.
I don’t know about that. Where I live there is one Dunkin Donuts open for take away. I go there every morning with my mask. If I didn’t have that I’d go 100% nuts instead of just 90%.
I have starbucks here… I wonder if they will do their friend day with half off for drive thru…
no word yet… I might go ask the beefy manager that guards the beans!
What is friend day?
It’s a bring a friend, pretty much a buy one, get one free type deal…
My local store has lines around the drive thru and wall to wall standing room only when it happens…
about every weeks… I havent been paying attention, but my son loves a good coffee shake as a reward…
Lately we have been hitting the local college hang out’s drive thru, at least there, its masks and gloves and once a transaction is done, new gear… the owner is a personal friend. Sad to say tho, restaurants are not really meant for drive thru only… skeleton crews and because of that, typically slower than normal.
That’s nice for YOU, think your missing the point of this thread. YOU a have the choice to take whatever chance you want. Essential Workers do NOT have the choice. I got laid off due to Corvid19 and am entitled to unemployment, If I had Quit due to stress or fears I would not qualify for benefits.
Ya gotta feel some sympathy for the workers that are taking chances with no choice in the matter so you can have a cup of joe!
Swallow that
I dunno if Natbone is an essential or a non… but at least he has his mask…
Yes it is a fine spot we all are in… they keep saying “till a cure is found”
If we can not cure the common cold, what makes anyone think there is a cure?
Vaccinate, maybe… but since it is so new… a few more mutations and if they can peg it right… maybe?
That’s true and I agree 100%. I’m considered ‘essential’ but am not in retail or manufacturing. But I do work from home full time and won’t likely encounter the situation OP is discussing. Healthcare workers are obviously deserving of much respect for what they do, but we really can’t forget the retail employees. You could easily say “They can just quit”, but a lot of them really can’t. Bills are still due, after all. These folks are also heroes in a way; keeping life as normal as possible for people during this lock down phase.
that sounds nice…, I wish our Starbucks did that, I don’t think they ever run specials
You have to catch them… sing up for the alerts… most all do.
and the best… they give free coffee to the essentials.