What Ya Vaping/Mixing Today? 2024

I wrapped it in foam and then tucked it up in between the floor joist under the insulation where it should have been in the first place. Fun fun fun!

Boy those are a pain in the arse, eh? Temporarily i put some plywood in front of them all but im going to grab some pink foam insulation and cut out rectangles in the exact dimensions and pressure fit them in place.

Of course now the temps are going to go up to the 30s and low 40s through next week. At least the driveway snow drifts will melt so i can go places again. Wife has been driving the truck to work and our car is a honda civic so ive been stuck at home since my night sight is freakin horrible and its near dark when the wife gets in from work.


This one is soooo good. I thought i wasnt gonna be able to recreate it because i didnt write the recipe down but thankfully im lazy and forgot to put away the flavorings and remembered around the percentages i used.

Best Milk Chocolate candy bar iv ever vaped. If you like chocolate try this. Not dry or chalky, not syrupy , not bitter, not weak. Just melt in your mouth creamy milk chocolate with tons of flavor that lingers in your mouth like you were eating the real thing. I added this to my birthday cake recipe and it turned into a awesome chocolate cake. Makes a great stone. I havent tried MF chocolate but i cant see how it could be better then this.


Not sure this will work in MTL, but I get the feeling banana will hold up.

Previously I only put candy mixes in pods, and going on the difference I pick up in this MTL RTA in comparison to the pods, it may work. I bumped everything a fraction on where I would normally use them and chose flavours I knew well.

Judging by what I smell and taste off the knuckle I’ll have a hard time waiting to test this one.

Sweet Crunch goes in everything at the moment and I just couldn’t resist here…


Was Killer Custard released under another name? I can’t seem to find it anywhere.


@marsh8 I personally would run that DTL, and have recently been smitten with the nanas, and that looks very good. I think I’ll mix it up, and heat it up !!!


@Lynda_Marie, seems to still be loosely implied, and/or Formerly Known As …

NEW Flavour Smooth ( Killer) Custard from Capella
This name is being changed to Capella Smooth Custard


Ahhh, ok, thanks! So it’s one of my favs already then lol :grin:


I reckon it should be ok… I have trouble with bananas but I often run both of those custards at around those percentages. :grin:

My thoughts on custards in MTL is to keep the temp low so they don’t boil on the coil, but I know others who like that. :man_shrugging: :sunglasses:


I go on and off them these days, vaped them a lot at the beginning. The SSA Ripe Banana is very good I reckon.

I always thought the 2 were the same, thanks to @SessionDrummer for confirmation. This one would push top 3 on custards for me, definitely top 5.

Thanks, duly noted, I’ve been running 18-20w on the current build. Battery has lasted more than 2 days


That looks great, Lynda_Marie. I don’t have the PB Cream so I’ll use the SSA for now. Question for you or anyone else on GGC. I hadn’t used it in awhile and when I dug it out it looked dark. Not real dark but dark amber color. I should open it up and smell it but isn’t that unusual? I can’t remember when I bought it.


You were right about DTL, I couldn’t wait and threw it in my current tank with Fruit Loops in it.
Yumo bananas on fruit loops who would have thought. :drooling_face: :crazy_face:
Anyway fruit loops is gone and it’s very nice, like always with banana I want to add some caramel, but 9/10 that wrecks it. We’ll see.


@Lynda_Marie you gotta love it when THAT happens. :slight_smile:


Mine is on the darker side of Amber color as well.


Yea, you would think with the name it would be clear but its not. Its dark amber in color


Going to do some experimentation with my less used custards and cheesecakes. I have a few of each that I haven’t really been able to work out and don’t exactly fit my regular lessons, so rather than tossing them (mainly little bottles) I thought I might just mix them together at recommended (when input into “add flavour”) percentages and see what they do.
Will do the custards and the cheesecakes separate and if that works just mix some of it together…

I love experimenting, only way to go I reckon! :grin: :sunglasses:


You know that it’s going to work and then you’re going to have to go hunting for those flavours again :crazy_face:


Previously, yes.
But… I am now at the stage where I am just experimenting to get rid of flavours. I have bulk amounts of the ones I use all the time so the only things I will need yo purchase in the future will be VG and PG. I always end up only having 3 to 5 favourite flavours I work with so any others are currently just a bonus. :grin:


Oh yes, I forgot you’d bought those big bottles!

I still hope the experiments work tho.


I modified a mix from 2018 by lounge lizard as it was said to be a SnV. After 3 days I concur but I reckon this will also improve over time (hence why I made so much lol).

It’s summer here (apparently) so this was mixed in warm weather and left for 3 days ( yesterday was 40C) so it got a natural slow warm bath…

Obviously everything is subjective but for me this works well in MTL. :grimacing:


Only 40, 43 here :grin: