What Ya Vaping/Mixing Today? 2024

Nice :grin: Today was 22… Where is our summer??


Lucky to hit that at 4am with 90% humidity it still feels like 30 odd, haven’t hit 40 though consistently mid to high 30s for a month now.


10:50pm here and it’s a brisk 11.1C. Heading for a nice summery (NOT) 21C tomorrow. Highest temp between now and Saturday will be a whopping 27C…
Where are you @marsh8 ? Sounds like QLD or upper NT/WA.


Brisbane, thermometer in my room reads 26.8 with the air con and a fan running.
Oh don’t forget the water bottle sprayer as well


Lived in North Brissy for a short time, basically moved there in April and left in November as I HATE humidity and it was horrible. I feel for you brother…


Sweet Crunch in everything :crazy_face: Seems to be that way at the moment.

The apple clashed a bit with the lemon a bit last time I tried this pairing, but it seems to be working better here.


That’s what we’ve had but plenty of humidity/stormy/wet summer, which is unusual. Won’t complain about the extra water tho, just glad we have aircon.


I might have actually cloned Dinner Lady’s Lemon Tart. I think this very closely, if not exactly resembles the original. The smell, the taste, and the color of the mix are on point. If anyone is interested, here’s the recipe. The original recipe was not mine, and all I did was add FA Meringue and FA Apple Pie, and play with the percentages a bit.

The Dinner Lady Longfills contain 20ml of liquid. I believe this is 15ml of flavoring and an additional 5ml PG.


Side-By-Side Color Comparison:

Enjoy! I know I do. :sunglasses:

Edit: my 10ml bottle standing next to the original is an undiluted one-shot. Once PG/VG are added, it’s a bit lighter in color than the original, but as DL has stated, the older the bottle, the darker it gets. And my original is about a year old. Just thought I’d point that out.


I’m so pleased with how these raspberries came out! I’m enjoying this immensely :yum:


Vaping @Lynda_Marie Happy cinnaroll. Id review but i might get slapped lol jk :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. I really like it. Def a authentic glazed cinnaroll. Im usually not the biggest fan of fw cinnamon roll but its real good with cds and the bav cream and cream cheese icing really bend that glaze note to be great. Prob making a bigger bottle of this. Even at 2 percent sweetener its not overwhelming.


Omg I almost died :joy::joy: I thought we were off the air. I’m glad you know I was totally joking. Thanks! Yea, I actually made a bigger bottle. My daughter said it’s not sweet enough…sooo I’m not sure if I should use a different sweetener or more super sweet? I have Ultimate Sweetener and at 1/2% it muted a whole 120 of cookie crack. Muddled and muted. I tried it at .15% in a lemonade and it was ok, but that won’t be sweet enough for her…any thoughts?


I almost spit up my drink laughing lol. I knew right away it was me. I think thats the only one i put a review for. I do really like custard cream. I mixed it at 8 percent and had it steeping fir a while. Seems by the mixed profiles you were getting its just one of those flavors that are really different to different palletes. I get pretty close to what session drummer tasted.

Idk to me happy cinnaroll is really sweet but a good really sweet. Maybe neotame. I tried the ultimate sweetener in a couple juices and it does seem like its muting. I havent used it since. Cap supersweet still my goto.


Oh Yeah! The sweet crunch might be my new favorite flavor, combined with some classics…


Even more then milk and honey




Lol. The sweet crunch is good


Sweet Crunch is an interesting one, as I got SOME of the aspects of C27, but not all, and of course the cereal grains. It doesn’t take much to “tip” it, and bend it.


That sweet crunch sounds interesting but with the brown sugar notes is it as easily adaptable as Cereal 27? I’ve used C27 in many different recipes for different reasons. In a rice crispie mix to add more of an ap grain note to say TPA Rice Krunchies. And in my Lime sugar wafer I used it to add texture to the wafer cookie. Will the brown sugar note in sweet crunch hinder its use?


It is my favourite at the moment, for sure. Very adaptable about the only thing I haven’t tried it in is a candy and that sounds a bit silly. :rofl: :thinking:

However I do think it would work with WF Nougat which I suppose could be candy. Might give that a whirl…


Hehe, that’s a loaded question !!! It depends. It’s really going to depend on what you’re mixing it with, AND, how strong you taste the Brown Sugar, and/or if it works with the recipe/mix. I don’t recall the BS being overwhelmingly strong, but just present. The C27’ish notes, and Meringue notes were more prevalent to my tastes. It’s really going to depend on the target mix, as to whether the BS notes fit or fail.