Just mixed this and it’s really tasty. It came about from a Ginger Cream Soda recipe that tasted more like a Ginger Snap, So I remixed the Soda and started refining the Snap!
I had also mixed an Oatmeal Raisin Cookie around that time, and the RFSC OC started reminding me of the body of a Ginger Snap Cookie…Eureka! 3rd attempt at getting the Ginger Snap and all is well!
Edit: if it steeps well;)
This is delicious. Made it about 2 hours ago and it’s got a lot of promise to get better with a steep. I could totally vape this all day as it is, though.
I usually take the easy route and just make a custard or bakery a little more decadent, and/or just throw an alcohol flavor on it because I don’t drink but for some reason associate it with the holidays. (Nobody in my family drinks either…weird correlation for me to have lol)
think my max in using it is .4% @anon28032772… is why I get a bit leary on pushing it as I know where my tolerance is… atm my tongue is a zombie, I burnt it out on something, think it was a sugar cone. Yeah funny things throw me out of wack quickly
Been a long time since I cloned this and just as long since I vaped it. Mixed up a batch and I have to say, if you’ve never tried this mix and have the stuff, it’s worth a go. One thing’s for sure - I sure am enjoying it!
I like it a lot so I’m not surprised it has such a good rating. I’ve been wanting to make it for ages but I always forgot to get the hazelnut in my orders
I personally don’t use AP often, only when I make an existing recipe that asks for it. So far I haven’t vaped too many nutty liquids that I liked enough to make it again, but Goofy’s a keeper.
I love it so much I’ve gone through maybe 5 or 6 4 OZ bottles already, and still have a lot of my first 2 oz bottles of other flavors… I think I’m expanding my flavor varieties a lot more lately.