What Ya Vaping/Mixing Today? (Part V) 2021 - 2022

Yeah, when fiddy hits it out of the ballpark it goes far… :tada:


Thank you, kind sir :smiley:. I just mixed your Soho Good this afternoon. It’s among my list of other mixers’ recipes I want to do (to take a break from my own obsessions).


Ive been mixing a lot of other users mixes lately, it has certainly become harder to do so with so many new companies and flavors…


Granted, but I’m having fun trying to figure out good subs with what I have. It’s time intensive but a good muscle workout for me.


Thanks for this, I have called my buddies. Going to prepare this today


Vaping a couple of week old SFT’s today.
Hangsen French Vanilla Ice Cream 3% 20/80 PG/VG
LB Strawberry Cheesecake 8% 20/80 PG/VG

Also enjoying a 6 week steep of my Warm Custard Pudding Shake which came out quite nice as a strongish MTL vape at low wattage.

Will start testing the 3% SFT of Inw Custard tomorrow (8 days steep) to see if it lives up to the hype.


I’ve never really been a big fan of mint mixes, (until now)…


Right up my Alley Bro​:grin: Man i mixed a purilum banana-Tfa banana cream,SSA cafe mocha-cap cinnamon danish- wf caramel butter- Fw cinnamon for my Mesh Rta’s and its been banging!.Whats funny i went into the mix thinking of a Guava,Watermelon,strawberry.I never come out with anything close to what my plan was :grin: i change my mind as im looking thru flavors lol.Ive been lucky in my 3 yrs of mixing as ive made up every recipie ive ever made…i steal ideas naturally here n there but never copied a recipie mainly cuz im always missing a couple flavors so im tryna keep my custom recipie streak goin hahaa :call_me_hand:


A recipe from a friend of mine: Dark Menthol Remix.

This is an incredible remix of the (in Germany) popular Dark Menthol from Tom Klark.

There percentages remind me a bit of Smoky Blue, but it’s not Flavorah. It’s just so flavorful @1,01% and very different from all I know.


O yeah he’s the guy that puts at least flavour less is more as they say might give that a go meself


Oft times these are the best kind of mixes.


Blueberry Muffin, FW Yogurt, TPA Greek.


@SteveTC as a rule, I just don’t (really) vape baccos, but WOW. I might have to buy some mo flavors …

A tribute to my favorite flavor artist


Dark Menthol is fresh and dark at the same time. It has nothing at all to do with usual menthol liquids. Thus, it is perfect for those who like menthol and also those who do not like menthol.

For me it is association with forest, a natural fresh taste sensation, as if I am in the forest and keep inhaling deeply, each time discovering different nuances.

Geschmacksprofil (German)

Dark Menthol ist frisch und dunkel zugleich. Es hat überhaupt nichts mit üblichen Menthol-Liquids zu tun. Somit ist es perfekt für alle, die Menthol mögen und auch alle, die nicht Menthol mögen.

Für mich ist es Assoziation mit Wald, ein natürliches Geschmacksgefühl, so als ob ich im Wald bin und immer wieder tief einatme, jedes Mal entdecke ich anderen Nuancen.


Tom Klark’s liquids were the first non-DIY liquids that really made a lasting impression on me. His creations opened a world of taste that I‘ve never experienced before in vaping.

As an independent film director that switched from smoking to vaping and mixing his own eliquid he managed to establish a mysterious aura around his brand, character and eliquids which lead to a lot of controversy in the German vaping scene. People either admire his creations or seem to be disgusted by them. I probably belong to the first group…

Dark Menthol, along with Opium, is certainly to be considered his masterpiece to date and, interestingly enough, has recorded particularly high sales on the Japanese high-end MTL market (next to Germany).

When I started with DIY the complexity and uniqueness of his liquids seemed to be unreachable. I’ve spent countless hours, days and weeks of discussing Tom Klark‘s possible flavor choices, ingredients and so on with other mixers on a German vaping forum and in the end all of this lead to the foundation of VAPICON – but that’s another story.

Now, more than two years after my first attempts of remixing the ingenious Dark Menthol, I‘m here to publish the final result. Something I was never sure would work. But it did.

This is not a clone.
And it‘s impossible to tell the real ingredients that were used in the original recipe but I‘d say I‘m 90% there and it’s as good as it can get.

As I told you it was 2 years ago when I started to work on this remix but there was always something crucial missing. Through discussions with other DIY mixers, I came across interesting flavors that allowed me to make this recipe after a total of 7 attempts and 35 different versions.
A big thank you to the entire community for this valuable exchange and inspiration.

This remix is not identical to the original. The peaks on the citrus notes are toned down for what makes the experience more enjoyable. The eucalyptus/mint note is also minimally different, just the way I like it.


  • INW Classic Cigar: Tobacco with associations of forest floor
  • FA Cola: The very special ingredient for citrus notes
  • INW Eucalyptus With Mint: Eucalyptus main note with further mint menthol accents
  • SSA Natural Mint: Pleasant peppermint note with lots of menthol
  • FA Oak Wood: Supporting association of forest floor with wood notes
  • INW Shisha Rosemary: Impression of spruce and pine needles coupled with some resinousness
  • INW Tobacco Burley: Tobacco with associations of chocolate

Additional Notes

  • After mixing leave to set for at least 3-4 hours, best after 4-5 days


Thanks for sharing this, as I would have NEVER known about it. Very nice share indeed.


Testing another eggnog, @muth mentioned it on the coffee thread so i had to give it a go. Holy crap is it good… Six days of curing and i am in love with it, all the elements that make up a good eggnog are there. But what makes it really special is the condensed milk, i have made 100s of eggnog mixes and never tried condensed milk in it. Thank you so much, muth.

Gonna find a decent pic and release this one. Tonight ill mix v2:

Why mix another if the first one is so good? Why not? hehe. I never stop experimenting. And i have never tried anise in eggnog so here we go.

Happy mixing everyone!


Gotta say, I’m getting addicted to your 0.25% Sweet Coconut usage. You found just the right pct :+1:


Heehee, Ken, thank the Cubans :wink:


@An Advocate for Liberty turned me on to a mixer @Julia_Su for her tobacco mixes although she has quite a variety of profiles. I’m vaping this one now with one sub, the RY8 (FE) for the RY4 DBL (TPA).


Yummy yum yum yum! I’m desecrating the thread with “What Ya Eating Today”. I couldn’t help it, it’s so good and maybe it will inspire you DIY ice cream experts to make a mix but hurry because it’s a limited edition. If you like horchata (and ice cream) I think you’ll love this.
Trader Joe's Horchata Ice Cream

Trader Joe's Horchata Ice Cream; in two dishes, topped with cinnamon sugar, with baked 'churros' garnish


Can I DL a MTL recipe? Or no??;
I just started vaping DL never thought much about it. What’s the difference?


I threw this recipe idea together after I got MCF in- 5 days is good, 7 days is great. It’s sweet, gooey, chewy caramel marshmallow. :warning::warning: It’s sweet. I’m actually pretty darn happy with it. I hope someone else enjoys it too!