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I’ve seen that. Where did you get that picture of me wearing my tinfoil hat?
Now everybody knows I’m a guy :rage:

A combination of arrogance and stupidity, a toxic combination, even without a vaccin.

They do, remember well that they have declared WAR on viruses.
It’s the only reason life has ever evolved on this planet. Viruses and bacteria, so yeah, they have declared war on life.

They have nationalised the police in 2012 and since then the whole thing has worsened. The violence comes from up top.
Ironically trickle down works perfectly, when it involves violence.

They want something artificial instead. Yuval Noah Harari said that since humans have allowed themselves to be surveilled 24/7 during the Covid hysteria, the next step is surveillance from within. Biometrics, people already use it with armbands and watches to monitor themselves.

These devices must be implanted so we can be permanently monitored by them and ruled by algorithms. Google knows best.
Most young people are more than willing to use that kind of technology, the others can no doubt be scared into it.

I will give you an example of what their ultimate (or one of em) goal is:

“In exchange for such devoted counselling services, we will just have to give up the idea that humans are individuals, and that each human has a free will determining what’s good, what’s beautiful and what is the meaning of life. Humans will no longer be autonomous entities directed by the stories their narrating self invents. Instead, they will be integral parts of a huge global network.”

This guy is the lead advisor of Claus Schwab. Read these books people, I cannot condense for you what’s in it.
I’ll end up quoting the entire book. It’s important to read it though, the only reason the workers revolution that Marx had predicted didn’t happen, was because the Capitalists read the Communist Manifesto, saw he had some valid points and consequently made some reforms to prevent them from getting murdered in their beds.
Awareness of your real situation is the first step. Without it you cannot change shit.

Thanks girl, still less than 50% but I’m getting there :muscle:


I made a comment about it in the ‘what do you really hate’ topic :face_vomiting:

What the fuck is wrong with Noam Chomsky. I always had a certain distrust of him.
Spouting all the crimes of the US, that are well known by everybody anyway, and pretending to be a radical adversary of the state.
He never lost his job at MIT or his cosy house in Boston.

Ironic isn’t it, how many masks have come off during the mask mandates :rofl:


See my post on Automated Killer Robots in the What are you Watching thread.



The TRAF movie team hosted a private, live, Q&A for a small group. Here’s who was on: Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Dr. Robert Malone, and Dr. Pierre Kory.

It won’t be there for very long.


I don’t watch that show anymore, since they were peddling Nugenix :scream:

It looks like he’s selling vaccins now :rofl:



I stumbled across this today. I thought things had been shit in my own country.
What happened in Victoria is absolutely horrendous, and it looks like the guy might just be re-elected :nauseated_face:

Too many :sheep: but the brave feature in this one.


That’s nice, but the sheep that do the enabling, will not have a problem with that.

They don’t mind being fenced in by a bunch of wolfs, as long as they are told it is to keep them safe from getting lost in the dark.

How about the people who do not belong to that collective WE?
I think we have to be really careful before making such sweeping statements.

We have to be careful to not become heartless, like our enemies. That’s when you loose, when you become that which you hate.

It isn’t easy to watch en listen to people who are convinced the unvaccinated are a risk to everybody alive, and think they should remove themselves from society. If they are not willing to do so, let them starve.

(That was said by Noam Chomsky btw. It looks like he had his consent properly manufactured.)

That is a horrendous thing to say about people who made a different choice.
I don’t want to be that kind of person.


@Josephine_van_Rijn @Mikser

“Dictator Dan” as he’s affectionately called is an absolute maniac. During the height of the C19 madness, all State Premiers were crazy with power and perpetrated unspeakable horrors on their populations and Dan would’ve been the worst out of the lot (and still is). The Premier we have in our State wasn’t too far behind though.

Dan has dialled the oppression back a fair bit but that’s only because Victoria is having a State election on the 26 November. And yes, I’ve got a feeling that Dan will get re-elected unfortunately. People these days have no backbone and are living unnecessarily in constant fear. It breaks my heart to see how low we’ve sunk as a species and more importantly as Australians. All I can hope for is that given enough time we will start to wake up. It is starting to happen but it’s taking too damn long.


I thought our Prime Dictator was bad enough, but this one…:flushed:
I was always a bit envious of people living in Australia.
All that space!
@woftam would share his pictures of his horse and his dog, who are about the same size :laughing:
All that nature, just marvellous, he invited me once, said I was more than welcome.

If I had been able to then, I would have taken him up on that offer.
Not so much now :scream:

As they said at the end, ‘coming to a state near you’. They are definitely testing the water, see how far they can go.

The good thing is that we are not losing any people. Nobody who is awake is going to join the other side.
The other side is losing people by the truckload, a bit faster would be nice indeed.


We knew this already, if you aren’t brainwashed.


If you have some free time, watch this (Aust) interview between Riccardo Bosi (A1 Party) and ex-Communist Trade Union official, John Wilson. It covers the Coronavirus and vaccines plus a bit of this and a bit of that as well as several references to the US which may be of interest too.


He says something about Maritime Law, right in the beginning.
That’s interesting, there’s a book from a guy called Fred Rodell, Woe Unto You Lawyers.

It is out of print, but there is a guy on YT who read out the whole book.
That deals with Maritime Law.
We are basically ruled by that. He was drawing attention to the similarities of expressions in relation to water and banks.

Found it!


This one is very interesting too. Especially the thing about nicotine protecting people from nasty covid side effects.
Explains the shenanigans of banning the stuff.