Evolv Battery Profile CSV's for DNA series

Please feel free to drop (post) your personally created battery profiles for the Evolv DNA series in this thread! We’ll see if we can get a one stop “drop shop” running for the ELR family going here! TIA (Primarily dedicated for the 18650 family, at least until if/when the need arises to expand that focus)

The initial plan:

  • sort these by Evolv pcb model/device
  • then battery brand
  • then battery model number.

This way it should hopefully make it easier to search, by device group, then battery brand, then model…all of course depending on the community’s supporting contributions!
(3s) placeholder
(2s) DNA133 - Samsung 25r5 battery profile CSV -by Sprkslfly
(factory rated: 2500mah - actual discharge rating: 2275.675675675mah, 16.84Wh, created 7-10-2016 using authentic, brand new r5’s)
(2s) DNA133 - Samsung 30Q battery profile CSV -by Pro_Vapes
(1s) placeholder

At the moment, I can’t think of why a single battery CSV’s should need special ‘groups’ (other than a catch-all “1s” notation) but we can amend that if needed.

EDIT: This thread was originally titled:

-------------- Original Post ------------
This was done personally by me, on a HCigar VT133…theoretically this should be good for any DNA200 mod that uses two 18650’s where you intend to use brand new 25r5’s.

The math worked for the set I tested:
16.84 Wh x 1000 / 7.4v = 2275.675675675mah

Simply copy everything between the first brackets down into a text file, and then remove the .txt and change it to .csv

Do not include the brackets in that file!!

“Battery Charge (%)”,“Cell Voltage (V)”



Did you run the test ? I was told 18.5 Wh for 2 samsung 25r5’s

Yes sir!

That’s why I posted this. Tried the recommended calculator settings (18.5, 2s) and my battery meter was still off.

I had one full charge on them (after unpacking) ran that to shutoff, then recharged to full. Once that was complete, I let the discharge test run to completion. These were the results for the set I used. =)

If you compare my mah shown above with mooch’s tests for 25r5’s, you’ll see the rating falls right in line with what’s expected.


Way cool Thank’s for the info :+1:


My pleasure!


Dowload for 30Q CSV for DNA 133 Mods


Awesome! Thanks for sharing!

Once I get done running errands for my sick buddy (Snickers -my orange tabby has his second UTI) I’ll get back in here on the pc, and put a bit more proper structure to things =)

EDIT: moved ‘notice/request’ to 1st post for visibility


Здравствуйте! помогите пожалуйста с профилем для аккумуляторов Panasonic NCR18650B 3400 мАч. Спасибо!

у меня Therion DNA 133

For those who don’t know how to translate Russian

If anyone has run a battery profile for:
Panasonic NCR18650B 3400mah
In a paired setup in the Therion 133w…please share it with @Ynusch (and others)!