First time post!

Love the label idea. What is the name of your recipe if you don’t mind me asking? I see Unicorn but can’t work out the rest of the name?

I’m still giving thought to tipping in the vg at the end.


Wow! I really could of just moved forward without the scales!!! Less clutter, ideal!!!


Wait, what? I’m trying to be comp

Why did you continue to watch it then? My advice, if it bothers you, move on!

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I love this, especially more if it’s not sarcasm!


It was one those 40 minute ABC2 shows, that was over before I knew it anyway :slight_smile:

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Love the flavor notes but why did you start with strawberry? That flavor was all the rage, ick. Just never thought anyone could replicate it well. However, that is from trying several premium juices. Just no to strawberry.

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Because I don’t like strawberry, so if I like that one it’ll be a SUPER good strawberry worth writing notes about :slight_smile:

And because strawberry cheesecake… shrug :slight_smile:

I was right about the date, macadamia, honey & butter by the way: it’s only been just over a day mixed and already the flavours are oozing out and good.

All except the honey are a 1-2 day steep though, also good.

Refreshing even - practically shake/vape!

Great advise. The 2nd mix I made from suggestions and encouragement of @Ianc13, I’m watching and checking on the bottle at various times throughout the day. I’m also smelling it, I know not advised but it’s quicker for me while working. Interesting changes happening with the color and smell. Alcohol is almost gone.

I do have a very old rda and agree that would be the best way for me to test but time… and having it laying around all gross would get on my nerves. It remains in my desk drawer clean and unused!


This is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me, on this forum!

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All good then.

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All great points. I’m forging onward and not purchasing anymore at this time. When I run out, there will be two choices, something else will be avail or I will just quit. Shouldn’t be too hard. Plus, I couldn’t possibly use nic that is darker in color. That would just piss me off. Maybe in a moment of desperation I could. I guess we shall see.

What makes you think vaping is trending down in popularity? I do know when I’m in Oz I’m ever so careful not to do it in public view. Not sure why exactly - just am. I suppose I do it here as well.

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Unicorn Fairytale. Its a simple blend of Unicorn Vomit and Forest Fruit.

Nope. Totally serious!


Lol, you do sound like a fastidious young lady @Scotty.

Just use what you like vaping on. Even if it’s an RTA you will get a good idea on what it is like with something you regularly use, rather than something you don’t.


yes, very much so… Hate anything that bogs me down, travel light and get going is my motto. Anything that holds you back - toss it overboard!! Also, accountant by trade - don’t ask about my math skills :crazy_face:


What do you put on a roast beef sandwich?


Garlic Aoli.

Or cheese and lettuce and, garlic aioli :smirk:

And a layer of onion, super thin sliced.

Or just mayonnaise with all that, in rebellion of how Aioli is just mayonnaise made pretentious and there’s no shortage of that in the world.

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Can’t believe nobody’s asked, what THAT tastes like?

Wait: Sour Strawberry gummies?


Nope. Like those giant round flat suckers you get at a carnival or circus. Fruity and hard candy-ish.


Surprisingly delicious despite the horrendous name… :sweat_smile:


Yeah even those sticks of flavoured sugar look kinda …

They’re making me want to lick-test to see what flavour they all are…