Fix My Mix - Bring your trouble recipes here!

It wasn’t my idea. It was late and I mentioned something about the RF BB muffin. One of the sage alchemists in the chat said “So&So’s trick is…” and everyone else agreed. I hope I tagged the right people to come and take proper credit, lol.


i sometimes use 1 to 2% Cap BB Jam to help bring the BB flavor up. i noticed BB overall is a very delicate flavor which creams and other flavors would take over very quickly. a 0.5% sweetener also works. this is just my limited experience.


recommend 0.75% so you don’t actually detect the Banana


I was chatting with woftam and sthrn last night, and one of them brought it up. Tip originally came from Walt, allegedly. Cheers


Thanks @BoDarc, I was pretty sure you were involved somehow. I’m sorry I didn’t remember exactly.


Thanks go to @Ken_O_Where and his Bluenana Custard which I was gifted a 3 month old bottle. Everybody has their Quest and mine was unfilled until I tasted what Banana Cream LA did to Blueberry in that aging bottle of Ken’s juice. Maybe after ninety days the banana had faded to being barely detectable, but what it does for BB was very much detectable.

We have quite a thriving Think Tank here. I’m watching the tinkering with specific food acids driving flavor-based pairing. and clearly we are discovering some actual inner workings of the flavor biz with brute force hacking and luck …and random subjective curious palates. It’s humbling to take part.

I’m sure Walt knows more than he shares here [everything about chemical flavoring engineering] but that’s that’s his intellectual property. ELR thrives on such secrecy, while most of us contribute on an opposite, much lower-tech, end. Creative continuity…


So I’ve been after a good apple mix for some time. It has been a difficult flavor for me to nail down, either the mixes end up coming out very pale, or they’re way too strong and perfumey. This has been my most successful apple juice recipe, although it was supposed to be apple brandy.

It’s pretty much a light apple juice flavor.
How high would you go with fa brandy? I’ve pretty much only used it as an accent flavor, nothing I’ve made with it has actually tasted like a strong smooth brandy. OR is there a brandy that you like or think would work better in this recipe?
And lastly, I feel like this might be bordering on too much apple, even though the end taste is light. Like something might be muting the other flavors. Do any of the apple %s seem higher than they should be?


I almost had all these flavors! dammit …your question brings much mystery and intrigue. Liquid Amber could be the culprit. Wondering why the brandy isn’t more noticeable and this comes across as only a light apple juice. Maybe add a little vodka ala @Maureeenie. I get more from posts like this than recipes that work predictably. Thanks for the share! I have some other Apple Juice type recipes captured so Imma take a look.


Do you know if its a common thing for liquid amber to mute flavors? Maybe I should skip that and see… :thinking:
Its weird, it feels like there’s too much flavor, but tastes light. Which makes me think there’s muting from some combo in there.


I adapted this from Bread Pudding & Vanilla sauce from @MysticRose I am having issues with Real flavors muting over time. This was good after 8 days but now its just bland. Should i increase the %. I am looking for stronger cinnamon and pudding/ custard flavor. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Has anyone else has problems with the VG flavors muting over time ?


Vanilla Bread pudding

Ingredient %
Bread Pudding (VG) (Real Flavors) 9
Caramel (MF) 0.2
Catalan Cream (FA) 0.4
Cinnamon Custard (VG) (Real Flavors) 2
Cinnamon Danish Swirl (CAP) 0.6
Madagascar (Vanilla Classic) (FA) 0.4
Marshmallow (FA) 0.2

Flavor total: 12.8%

Remember to rate it at!

Yes, a lot of us are having problems with muting. I have gotten to the point that I only mix enough to use within 2weeks or less :frowning: Which I don’t like at all. I like steeping and having it available when I want it. I’m fickle and change flavors often.


Couldn’t agree more.
For the life of me, I can’t understand why (as a manufacturer) someone would willingly choose to continue to use EM or PDO in a base flavoring. Especially given the muting issue being experienced by more than a few, and including mixers that have been at this far longer than I have.

I mean, I understand it (from a chemical perspective, trying to balance out one core molecular component that’s just so ultra strong…) but if they have to use so much EM or PDO to try and knock that particular molecule down, that the end result from a mixer’s standpoint yields the resulting flavor to limited use(s), you’d think that they’d either A. Try to dilute the problem molecule down via alcohol or pg methods, or B. Try sourcing that flavoring molecule from an alternative source!

It is simply unacceptable for my mixing style to use a flavor with such a limited margin of application.

Hopefully certain manufacturers read this, and can either attempt to rectify the situation, or possibly even contribute a “behind the scenes” look of what may be presenting the obstacles they face.

But, as I’m no chemical engineer, all I can do is convey my thoughts and assessment of the situation with the information I’ve gleaned through reading, and interaction with the final product.


Real flavors are notorious for muting and being harsh and kinda hard to nail percentages, kinda done using them for now til the kinks are worked out! Side note don’t get the rootbeers,either of them imho they are not great. Get liquid barn rb for a good rb


I thought he was no longer using PDO and they didn’t contain em? Thought they were alcohol based?

@Walt_RealFlavors Do your flavors have PDO or EM? We are all trying to figure out why there is such a wide spread issue with muting? A few hear or there is coincidence, but I think there are far far too many having the muting issues :frowning:


I wasn’t calling names because he’s not the only one having done such… Just fwiw :wink:


Ok thank you i was beginning to think my taste buds were shot.


Hello. Those who know me are aware that I am fairly new to ELR and to mixing. I have been reading, watching, and taking notes. I am very appreciative of this forum and all the knowledge that I have attained from the veterans and newbies here.

I am working on 3 different Filipino dessert recipes at the moment. I have not mixed them yet but have been doing research here on ELR, AllTheFlavors, and Reddit DIY in order to begin solidifying the flavor profile.

The recipe listed below is the 1st of the 3 I have been working on. I would appreciate any feedback or constructive criticism on this recipe.

Thank you kindly.

@Ken_O_Where @Amy2 @JoJo - I’m utilizing the sweet potato / yam flavors you have educated me on.

Strength: 1.5 mg
PG/VG-ratio: 30/70
Flavor total: 3.81 ml / 5.17g (12.7%)
Price: 0.85


This recipe is inspired by the Filipino desserts I’ve eaten when I was small and continue to enjoy until today. My mother would often make Ube Halaya and purchase us ube ice cream if we were good. I plan on making more Filipino inspired desserts recipes. I hope this will be enjoyable.

► Flavor Profile: Ube Ice Cream Atop a Warm Butter Cookie

• Top Note: Ube (Filipino Sweet Yam)
• Base Note: Ice Cream (Cream with coconut flesh)
• Supporting Notes / Accents: Bakery (cookie) • Hint of Pistachio to accent the SP/Yam with a nutty/creamy texture • Vanilla

► I will be utilizing sweetener for this recipe seeing that it is an ice cream recipe, I think sweetener is appropriate for this mix. * I also love sweet vapes

►Sweeteners to be used
• Super Sweet (Cap) .5%
• Erythritol 10% VG .5%
Total Sweetener = 1% *add more to taste


This recipe is private!

Times read: 0


Wish that i could help but i have never had this wonderful sounding Ice Cream. We are kinda sheltered here in Wisconsin, if it isnt made from cheese we dont generally eat it. :wink:


Looks pretty solid. Nothing jumps out at me as being out of whack, I’d give it a go as is and see how you like it. Definitely give that one a really good steep.