We have very similar MTL preferences, even though I only do tobacco blends.
Coil resistances run from 1.0 to 1.6 ohms, depending on the tank. Voltages in the 3.3 range.
Over the years, I’ve ‘married’ a particular juice to a particular tank, that it seems to work best in. The 4 setups in rotation are all 9.5 watts. So I only use 4 primary juices. I used to have dozens of bottles with various recipes, but I’ve whittled it down to 4 primary recipes for daily vaping.
I still experiment mixing various blends in small tester quantities. Always looking for that perfect juice that will make it’s way into my top 4…lol.
Same with the flavour matched to tank thing @d_fabes. I usually run 1 tank with CAP VCV1, one with INW Custard, one with a blend of both and one with an adaptation of Suicide Bunny. The other RTA’s in my rotation are usually Custard based mixes or experiments but the 4 main ones are always the same.
I also never stop experimenting looking for another ADV. I am working on refining a mix of CAP VCV1, INW Custard and CAP Cake Batter. Just a case of working out the ideal percentages for my tastes,
@d_fabes, @Ianc13 maybe we should start a new MTL tips and tricks post/thread. I know I would be interested, especially all in one place to see that, with recipes.
I’d be game for it. As far as MTL gear goes, I’m not even sure what’s presently available out there. I haven’t kept up with the latest & greatest. Hell, my newest tank came out in 2016…lol. I think I waited until 2018 to get them, after plenty of reviews & recommendations.
But, I’d be willing to share my (very) limited wisdom, what has worked for me. Might be an interesting thread.
I was waiting for you to jump in the MTL ballgame. I know you had mentioned it in the past. I figured another ballgame on your already full plate might be difficult.
Been revisiting some old friends like this Drone. Haven’t squanked in a long time but am enjoying it just puttsing around the house. Drug out an old Therion and an old Eleaf Pico Squeeze II as well. Got a few more to try and see if they stilll work ok but these are my favorites.
That’s hilarious! They really are pretty sweet. All day battery and nice in the hand as well. Love the framing of the pic btw. Tells a story by itself.