Putting a Face To The Name

I feel ya! My body seems to think I need a goatee… I keep telling it I’m a freaking WOMAN! It won’t listen though, SMH… I guess it doesn’t help that I’m half deaf…

I also have a single, super thin, white hair that likes to grow on the edge of my ear, closest to my face… you know that little flap most folks push in to close their ears instead of putting their fingers in their ears…? On that… and it hurts SO MUCH to pluck it… the little bastard!

On a plus note, I’ve been slowly going gray since I was 30… wait… that’s not a plus… OH the plus is that it’s SILVERY WHITE, not gray. I have two streaks, just above my temples that get more white hair, every year… I call them my “racing stripes”… I mean, the more obvious they are, the faster the years go by…so… :woman_shrugging:

BTW, I’m only 39… February I’ll be 40.


Most of the hair on my head retired when I was 16. Sadly they treat the rest of me like Florida.


Hehe, THIS thread took a turn lol.

After 50, I did seem to start dropping mods more often. Decades of playing live with no hearing protection, monitors, PA mains (yes, there WAS music before in ears), and excessive range time / live fire did exact their revenge on my high frequencies.


You see, first you start out with these …

But, then, you always end up with one of these …


My nickname in middle school was “ears”. On a clear night, if I hold my head at just the right angle, I can tune in HBO, Apple TV and alien transmissions.


I just don’t take selfies in general. I’m either riding or working. I’m the farm manager,so I’m usually covered in dust, dirt, mud, horse poop etc. this is probably the last selfie I took


Nice to meet you @Lynda_Marie.


Thank you :blush: same to you! There is another one above of me in my natural habitat too lol :horse::racehorse:


In 97 the VA awarded me a hearing disability from 76-77. I was a candidate for hearing aids then but I didn’t want them. I finally got a pair this February. Wowww! I had no idea how much I was missing. Listening to music is so much better now. It’s worth looking into if you have hearing loss.


@Lynda_Marie that actually sounds like a good job.


My wife does similar part-time on a horse property here so I know exactly how that is.
This is me with the farms miniature pony…


It is, indeed, the perfect job for me. I’ve been riding since I was 6. Some girls want to become nurses, I wanted to ride horses lol


Oh my goodness, I love minis. We have one at the farm. She’s pretty stand-off-ish, but cute. We are a 28 horse training and board barn. We get all types of horses and ponies. :smiley: One of the best parts of the job is being able to see foals born. This is Vera, I came in to feed one morning, and 15 minutes later, she was born :blush:


Unfortunately, they still say I’m ineligible, through the VA… With 49% loss in one ear and 37% loss in the other. Like I said in another thread, they are currently doing a reevaluation, so cross your fingers that it goes well. :grin:


You would think losing half your hearing would be significant. Oh…that’s employing logic…sorry.

Have you seen your hearing chart? My low and mid range is normal but the high range is about 25% of normal. I have no idea how they would quantify it though. I mean, I still have at least 66% of my original hearing.

Did you get a disability from them? When I was tested at the VA in 97 the audiologist asked me what I had done in the AF. When I told him he told me to file a claim. I put it off for a couple of months then did it. To my surprise they approved it and it was based on my entry and exit audiology exams. So maybe that’s why they gave me the aids. Who knows?


Gee, for a brief moment I though you were a giant.


Yeah, not a giant but not a small person either. Even funnier when I take a photo with my 5’ tall wife… :rofl:


Nice, we have a friend who has a 32 horse stud. We used to go and baby sit them for him when he went away as he didn’t trust anyone else.

On our bucket list, timing has never lined up for us to see this as yet but we are friends with a few breeders so will happen eventually.

Sounds just like my wife :slightly_smiling_face:


I spent my early youth on a cattle ranch. A few horses, but mostly a lot of bullshit. :rofl: