What do you really hate? (II)




Stories like this are all over the place in CA, OR and WA. From small towns to the larger cities. It’s disgusting and downright shameful. I’d like to read stories of those that are struggling, yet still manage to play by the rules.


And the fact that the rest of Lowes’s cust wil be paying for this.


It’s a very sad world we live in. But, there are times when I read or hear of others stepping up to help someone (just because ) and that gives me back a little faith.


I HATE dropping my equipment. Did it again, and it shattered my 7ml SteamCrave Supreme tank, but DIDN’T break the actual RDTA. BUT, it seriously popped the top off my Centaurus. Yes, the Gold Flake one.


Can’t tell if it shattered screws/bolts or what…

To be fair, it was a HARD fall. Can’t believe the mod still fires, and that ONLY the glass was fragged on the SteamCrave.


Anybody tear down a Centaurus yet ?? I can’t tell if the two brass looking ports on the top plate are/were threaded or not.

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Thanks out to @wayneo and @whthek on the VC.



Got it back in action?


Not yet, have to find time to tear it down, but I’m not hopeful as I’m about 100% sure, the plastic internals have fractured. May not be much left to re-insert the brass into but we’ll see.

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That’s fucking annoying. I gave up with Smok due to the plastic chassis shattering after any heavily drop.

I hope you can save your baby. At least the Supreme will carry on with new glass.


To be fair, the 7ml Supreme is pretty heavy, and the mod heavier yet, so maybe I got lucky.

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I know. I almost ripped the 510 off a Gaur when dropping it with a Ragnar on it.


Well after hunting around for random tools, tips, and drivers scattered across the vape cave, picked up the mega kit just to make sure I had everything, in ONE place.

Wasn’t overly hopeful as the heavy SteamCrave Supreme, gravity, and weight of the Centaurus, created some extra parts, and pieces inside the mod.

Started disassembling and was able to shakey shakey out the new EXTRA parts/pieces, and rather than completely tear down and inspect, just reassembled…

Back to vape town !!!


Awesome. Good job!
Nice kit too. Gotta get me some.


WOW. Looks like a great kit and glad you put it to use so effectively and skillfully. Now I want one, too !! :grinning:

Though I don’t need it for anything right now, I just went and bought it !!! You are a bad influence on me. :upside_down_face: Just kidding, of course. I will find something to use it on, even if I have to break something. :wink:


Thanks @Lostmarbles. Despite having spent decades of board level repairs, I never have the time to really get INTO the details on fixing my mods (as was the case here). I literally knew it was broken inside, could hear the “shakey shakey” of loose stuff, literally took it apart enough to get OUT the shakey shakey parts, and re-assembled. Hehe, did I fix it ?? Well, hehe, the top sits flush now, and it doesn’t make noises anymore LOL. Thank you.

Hehe, I’m sorry @Cary1. I don’t know what YOUR Vape Cave looks like, but mine is kind of a controlled dumpster fire currently LOL. I have all orders of tools, drivers, tips, kits, but they were all scattered about, and I figured to cut the insanity, and searched for a kit FULL ENOUGH, that I felt NO WAY would I be missing the RIGHT tip for any mod. For $14.00 this one seemed to really have about everything.

Wanted to share my insanity with you guys, and despite taking FULL CREDIT for forcing you into that purchase, I hope it helps you out. It only really takes ONE mod that’s fixed, to make it worth it.


Thanks for the link. I fix micro stuff for a living (selling Vintage stuff) and I collect tools (and fix and sell those too). I needed one of those 3-sided “phillips” tips (I see in your kit) to disassemble a Nintendo cartridge but just made one with my Dremel. $14 to have em ALL in one set is a great deal~! I think they charge half that for the one Nintendo-type driver.

Go to the Hobby Shop and pick up a bottle of Adult aircraft cement for glueing plastic ($8?) that stuff is amazing for that type of hard plastic …it’s like welding. The stuff kids are allowed to buy is a joke (non-sniffable). Also you can google (YouTube) “welding plastic” for some interesting non-glue trick vids.

Nice fix brofessor~


Bureaucracy and bureaucrats…with a passion.


I hate having to poop, because every time I look at my paper when I wipe there’s going to be blood there.