Real Flavors Tasting Notes on Flavors purchased 1-11-16 from KillerFlavors
Flavors Tested: Real Flavors : Watermelon, BajaSoda, Mixed Berries…all mixed StandAlone
Mixed at 40/60 PG/VG ratio… 14mg/ml Nicotine… Flavor Percentage @ 15% mixed for Mouth to Lung hits, and created for use in Clearomizer Aspire, and also vaped in a Goblin Mini at .9 ohms at 10-15 watts power on an E-Leaf I-Stick. These notes pertain to vape experience of the Goblin Mini, as the Clearomizer only rendered “OK” flavor results (more experimenting required for that equipment)
Also re-wicked between flavors with Cotton Bacon V2
Steep Time about 48 hours after Initial Froth, Set with Cap off until Juice re-liquified.
WATERMELON: First characteristic was its’ sweetness…A flavorful vape with a mellow taste of watermelon…Super smooth vape with a surprising body (for a fruit flavor), especially on the exhale. Accuracy of the watermelon was more of a unified flavor, sort of borderline fresh/candylike, lacking in the subtle nuances of the experience of the real fruit…but pleasant nonetheless…
Super smooth, with no harsh volatile taste, especially after only 48 hrs of steep time… No Rind essence to speak of (could add small amount of cucumber for the rind essence) as this flavor concentrates primarily on the Red portion of the fruit, but lacking in the bright notes inherent in the actual fruit…
Not heavy on the tongue or mouth in general…making it a pleasant vape during the entire vaping session, without loss of the flavor that it did present…No vapers’ tongue here…
MIXED BERRIES; Not as sweet as the watermelon, but definitely a blend of what seemed to taste like dark fruits…None of the fruits were particularly pronounced, as the flavor was a unified taste throughout the vape…Perhaps blending with another berry flavor or sweet/sour could create some “pop” of one or more of the fruits that are incorporated in this particular flavor
And as with the watermelon, this vape was very smooth, with no harshness, and a pleasant essence of Berry flavor, but not overpowering by any means…again, no vapers’ tongue…
BAJA SODA: This is an interesting blend of what seems to be a citrus with the sharp citrusy notes removed by design…then blended with a subtle note of coconut…It does take you to the beach, so to speak (I will elaborate in my summary) I was hoping for a “sparkle” based on its’ name, but that wasn’t the case here, However, a clever blender could easily remedy that with the addition of a few select ingredients, perhaps a Champagne flavor… Koolada maybe?
Like the others, it is a super smooth vape, without harsh volatiles taste after such a short steep time, rendering it a very pleasant vape…
Playing with device wattage, vape technique, ie. “hotboxing” and “french inhaling”, “nasal exhale”, etc. really is where this flavor shines, as it does bring flavor essences forward and shifts from light citrus to coconut and back again…all without vapors tongue for the whole tank.
SUMMARY; As is it a widely recognized mantra “Taste is subjective” certainly applies here…All based on flavor percentages, coil/wick surface area, PG/VG ratios, after mix processing, steep time and equipment used in the enjoyment of our vaping experience. A myriad of variables involved in the creation of an experience that is SOOOOO far removed from smoking cigarettes, that the possibilities are endless.
I believe that REAL FLAVORS has a very unique flavor profile, that can be widely used in our search for the multitudes of holy grails out there of vaping experience.
There seems to me that there is a themed approach here going on, as one of the essences I found was a characteristic “Tropical essence” note to their flavors…A hard to describe taste sensation that was present in all the flavors…especially the Baja Soda and it appeared in the Mixed Berries, as well…not so much in the watermelon, but the words Mellow, and Laid Back come to mind.
Back in the 1970s a Loudspeaker manufacturer created a design called the JBL L-100, which was a speaker design that was extremely popular here in the US and now, (though vintage) a very sought after speaker throughout the world…It was characterized as “The California Sound” of the JBL L-100…These REAL FLAVORS have such an essence of “California Taste”…At least, for me…
I think that these flavors (and I only tried 3) can be a creative blenders “playground” of mixing, blending, and finding combinations that will create some very special vapes, given the tastes that I gleaned from my samples.
They appear to be fairly easy flavors to work with and still render a flavorful vape, given a fairly short steep time. Perhaps longer steep times will bring out more complex flavor notes, but I can say from experience with these flavors, that if one steeps TOO long, they will exhibit a flavor fade…My first attempt with these was with about a month steep, and they were fairly weak in taste.
Smoothness is definitely an attribute I look for and Walt made a good call, IMHO, by choosing Palm Based VG for his flavors, as opposed to Soy based VG…The Palm, in my experience, lends a bit of a sweeter, natural essence to the vape experience.
Though, not “in your face” bold flavor from these (mixing StandAlone only) I found these flavors to be very pleasant tasting and a smooth experience…and not speaking from a Sub-Ohm, dripping, or high power equipment perspective, perhaps those mixers will find nuances and complexities that I didn’t…