Reuleaux RX200 by Wismec

@5prock3t The RX200 doesn’t have the balanced charging circuitry that the DNA200 does. Treat the usb as a firmware update port and nothing else.


Damn it! My charger only has 2 bays!!!
I suppose I’m just gonna rotate these 3 bats daily for now.

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This was posted here and I thought everyone already knew this as there were no replies to this post.

Now Daath has found yet another reason being reported to not use the USB to charge with

The Wismec website also recommends you charge the batteries externally.(Sorta of anyway)

Quoted from there web site


It is better to take out the lithium-batteries from the device and then charge the cells.
Moreover, it can also be charged via USB cable.

This statement makes this issue confusing for the masses.

I have to wonder if it was intended to be used as a pass thru to get you going temporarily on weak batteries but improperly stated.

Whatever the reason it is capable of putting a charge to the batteries I think it is probably best to only use it for updating firmware.

I have the RX200 And LOVE IT, LOVE IT!!! And it lives up to everything!!! to me the diiference in chips is NOT worth it!!! BUT…always a but,lol…The Rx200 will STAY in temp mode when you put it BACK to kanthal, thus burning out coils (which can be costly on tanks). Other than THAT, Vape On with the RX200 and Enjoy!!!

What? Difference in what chips?

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I tried rattling mine, and yes I’ve also got rattle…but mine isn’t battery rattle, mine is atty rattle cause I don’t wrench my attys down.
Try putting a finger across your atty and then shake the hell out of it.

Ok, I have yet to get a good vape off my Reuleaux. The temp control shuts everything down before I get a good vape no matter where I set it. I am running a .07 ohm dual coil Velocity. It works absolutely perfect and I get a great vape on my iPV 3 Li. But when I put it on the Wismec the temp protection comes on as soon as I fire it and I get hardly any vapor. And when switching RDA’s, it is supposed to ask you if it is a new tank or whatever. Mine does sometimes. Most of the time it doesn’t. I am really not liking this thing. What am I doing wrong?

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Mine does fine in wattage mode. But any Ti atty I stick on it it just won’t fire. I think I got a lemon.

Lower your watts…and then slowly raise them up, then the temp…it’s all a balancing act.
ALSO, when I swap a tank from one mod to the other, I like to dry burn and rewick…this really makes a world of difference on how well tc works for me.
For example, I’ve had my rolo/billow v2 at work. I get home and find my new Cuboid in the mail…take my tank off (that’s been vaping perfect all day) and try it on the new mod, and it was weak! I figured it was still warm from my walk to the mailbox and back, so I let it cool to room temp for 10 mins…still kinda weak. Dry burn and rewick…works like a champ now!

You can’t dry burn Ti.

Just tried 50W and 480 degrees. Immediately goes into temp protection. I am starting to think this thing is a piece of shit. Meanwhile… I will be vaping on my trusty and perfectly functional iPV 3 Li.

Hmmmm, bummer.
Maybe you could “brush it off” and rewick?

I don’t think I am going to mess with it. Back to the vape shop it will go. I don’t think I need to rewick because all my atty’s work fine on all my other mods except this one. I have tried 2 tanks and 2 drippers on this POS. None of them work in TC with Ti. It works fine in wattage mode on my TFV4 with the quad coil.

And like I said, only a couple times has it asked me if I have added a new coil.

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My smok tfv4 doesn’t rattle. Ha. It’s def the door. Can see a lil tiny gap. Just bugs sometimes, doesn’t take away from it at all. Just curious about trying to squeeze the door a bit. But not gonna lie, I’m a lil scared. Haha

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Damn, struck out twice facepalm

But if it’s any help @LordVapor, of my 3 joyetech tc devices, I’ve never been asked if it’s a new coil, they(mine) go from 0.0 ohms to whatever atty resistance is screwed on top, instantly.

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Talking to my guy at the vape shop now. He wants me to bring it in so he can check it out. If nothing else they will replace it noi problem. But I think I am just going to get something else if this is indeed defective. Because knowing my luck a month from now it will flake out again.

With mine i seem to have to run themp way high like right now 540f. At 100 watts. Even after the firmware update, it still was this way. Same atty on my dna200 50watts and 420f.

pretty much the same here except in comparison to my VTC mini. RX 200 100 watts and 540 to 560F and the mini with same atty 50 watts and 390 to 420F on a Ti single coil .31 or so build

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sorry to see you are having issues but I understand your concerns

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It doesn’t matter where I set it. Almost immediately after pressing fire it goes into temp protection.