Reuleaux RX200 by Wismec

Sounds to me like you got a bad one

Are you using a Crown?

Crown, Aromamizer, Velocity, Goliath, it does it with all of them.

Except the Goblin Mini! Now this one it hits really good. Dual 24awg Ti at .09 ohm. So now what?

Al have various Ti builds on them.

Is that a NEW coil?

No. One I have used on my Pioneer 4 U mods. It works fine on the Wismec.

And my device still isnā€™t asking if I changed coils when I screw on a new tank. And before anyone asks, yes they are being screwed onto the Wismec at room temp. The ohms seem to be adjusting just fine per what they run on the IPV mods. But only the Goblin works correctly.

So it says 0.0 ohms? All the time ?

The best vape I have had so far with the RX200 has been with a SS 316L built to .21 ohms. I was running I believe 40w at 500 degrees. The TI build Iā€™m running .09 ohms 50w and 540 degrees. The SS wire works best unfortunately. I switched back to TI because I wanted to run on both the IPV4s and the RX200. On the Crown I do have the fill holes enlarged for more juice flow. It does help. If your RX200 is reading the ohms correctly then Iā€™m not so sure you need it to ask for a new coil. One thing I did though, I put a above ohm tank on it and it switched to wattage mode. Then I went back to the TC tank and it set up automatically when put back in Temp mode. By the way, my IPVS4s and RX200 setting are not alike switching from one to the other. Only the ohms read the same but temp and wattage will be different for sure. If you can diticate a tank solely to the RX200 then maybe you can try SS 316Lā€¦

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When I move a tank from the iPV mods to the RX200 the ohms adjust correctly. But it never asks if I have installed a new coil. It is like when I first started vaping in TC mode with Ti and got the ā€œNo Liquidā€ error on the iPV mods until I learned I needed to use larger coils.

I donā€™t have SS wire. Just Ti. Roughly 300ā€™ of it. I may get some SS and try it out. I just donā€™t feel I need to go through all this hassle when I can stick any one of these tanks on my iPV mods and they work perfectly. When my guy looks at it Monday I will know whether or not this thing is just a POS or if I need to redo my setups. Which is going to piss me off and I will probably just opt to exchange it for something better. I finally have all these tanks hitting well. I am not particularly ready to change everything just to make a mod work correctly (I have 9 tanks altogether).

My intent was to use this at work. My work lets me vape in the shop so I take a couple tanks with me so I can quickly switch out flavors. So I wanted something that could handle that. Which my iPV 3 Li does flawlessly. I am just scared I am going to scratch my iPV though LOL. So I wanted this Wismec for the extra battery life and the fact that it wasnā€™t terribly expensive (dare I say cheap?).

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That sucks youā€™re having problems with it, but it does sound like ya may have a faulty unit. I love mine and canā€™t say enough good things about it. I pretty much always vape with Ti wire and Iā€™ve never had any serious problems with it, no matter what RDA, RTA, or RDTA I have in it.

One way that I have found that works for me to get the New Coil dialog is to first unlock the resistance, turn the mod off and unscrew the atomizer, turn it back on and hit the fire button. It will say No Atomizer. While itā€™s still on, screw in the atomizer and then hit the fire button. Just about every time I do that it will ask me if itā€™s a new coil. Hit the up button for yes and lock in the resistance and youā€™re good to go.

Right now I have the Aromamizer mounted with dual Ti coils at 0.17 ohms, vaping at 470 degrees and 75 watts ā€¦ Itā€™s a fantastic vape.

I really hope ya get yours figured out or replaced cause itā€™s a great mod and the battery life is fantastic.


i have the exact same problemā€¦ this is my email to Wismec. I have not got an answer yet.
maybe my trick also works on your Rolo rx200

Hi Shirley,
Best wishes to you too!
I think i figured it out. The problem has something to do with the new coil UP/old coil DOWN question.
When it is asked, i can get temp control to work.
example: i have a velocity RDA with a 0,12 ohm titanium coil.
When i screw this RDA on and use temp control with the resistance locked at 0.12 ohm it has a very weak vapeā€¦even on 150watt with the temperature setting on maximum.
what i have to do to make this work is first screw the RDA on. It will read 0.12 ohm ā†’ fire it 1second ā†’ lock the resistance ā†’ fire it 1 second-> unlock the resistance ā†’ screw off RDA ā†’ fire a few times without RDA on (No atomizer message on screen)
If i then screw my RDA back on and fire the button, it will ask me the new coil UP/old coil DOWN question. But by then, because i had to fire it a few times, the coil read 0.15/0.16 ohm now instead of 0.12ohm. If i lock it with that 0.15ohm reading, it will work perfectly, A nice warm, full flavor vape at 220 degrees celcius and temp control also works very well then, i can vape the cotton until its really dry without getting burned.

What i think would work best is if we had some way to make that old/new coil question pop up. Like for example, hold fire+up+down button for 3 seconds.
What would work even better is if we could manually adjust the resistance of the coil. Like when i would connect my RDA, let it read 0.12 ohm, set it manually to 0.15ohm and lock and vape it.

Any plans on a update for manual resistance settings?

Have a good newyear!


could it be a center pin issue is something in the 510 threads or something it sucks your having problems!!!

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Sorry to Say it but that would indicate the issue is with the other tanks or the builds on them and not the mod.

All that I know is mine is working like a champ with none of the issues that others seem to be having. I should mention that I do keep the same tank on it and only remove it to re-fill and/or re-build

I do like my RX200 a lot but I also think that my Evic Miniā€™s deliver a much more enjoyable vape experience. I currently have 1 RX but now 3 miniā€™s and if I had to buy another mod today it would be another mini or possibly the cuboid that just came out. JoyeTech seems to be leading the way with function but the RX wins hands down for the feel and comfort.

There is a lot of room for improvement with the RX for sure but all of that could and I think will be addressed with firmware updates.

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I donā€™t completely disagree with you. But I donā€™t know what else I can do. It wonā€™t even recognize my Aromamizer as a Ti coil. I will find out more Monday and report back.

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I am just wondering if any more people having issues have contacted Wismec yet like @timmeh604 has and if so please update here with any info for others to see.

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Mine only asks for new coil when the new coil has higher resistance than the last one. Strange little thing.

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I will be taking my Wismec to the vape shop tonight for them to take a look at it. I will report back and let you guys know what we figure out.

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i have a defective device and sent an email to wismec. I too am still awaiting a response about how they handle warranty claims :confused:

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No reply for me yet.

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Time for me to chime in with my RX200 experience so farā€¦

The slow boat from Fasttech finally arrived with my RX, a velocity clone, an authentic Billow v2 nano, a Kayfun v4 clone, some 24g 304 SS, 26g Ti 1, & a bunch of drip tips.
The boat actually got in about 5 days ago but being completely un-familliar with TC, I held back my comments till Iā€™d had a bit of time to play.

The first atty I used on the RX was the velocityā€¦ basicly because Iā€™d never built a coil before (been using pre-wrapped in my Magma) & @wvsanta had previously shared his experience with a nice, simple single coil velocity build so I thought Iā€™d go for that. 7 spaced wraps of 26g Ti 1
came in at .36 - 70w @ 520 deg. F
What a beautiful vape! Got the new coil question straight off & TC seemed to be working perfectly.

So, on to the billow. My first build in this I used the 304 SS ā€“ dual (contact) coils 7 wrap 2.5id came in at about 0.3. Tasted dreadful ā€“really bitter after-taste. I washed the tank & the wire before use, but not my hands ā€“ that couldā€™ve been the reason. Anyhow, I ditched the SS, re-built
with Ti - spaced dual coil 8 wrap 2.5id (yep, I actually managed to fit it in the shroud w/out it shorting!) & re-wicked ā€¦& washed my hands. Absolutely wonderful!!
Beautiful flavor & huge cloudsā€¦freekin WOW! The Velocity was awesome but this was just ā€¦wellā€¦ super-awesome!

As a result, the Billow has pretty much stayed on the RX ever since. But day 3 (with the Billow) is where things started going wrong with TCā€¦ first vape of the day damn near blew my head off! ā€“ got a Ā½ second hit that was ridiculously over-powered. Despite the readings / settings being where they were the night before, I had to turn them way way down before I could vape.
Over the next hr, I was able to gradually turn them back up to where they were the night before. Strange. So over the course of the day, it stopped asking the new coil questionā€¦ it jumped out of TC, back to watts all the time ā€¦& basically all the stuff others have been having probs with.

This is when I put the Velocity back on. I got the new coil question straight off as I shouldā€™ve, & it all worked perfectly. Hmmmā€¦strange.
So its not the mod??

So at the end of day 3, I had a look in the Billow, & the coils were gunked ā€“ not surprising, considering the juices that I like. So I cleaned the coils, re-wicked & wadda ya knowā€¦it was working perfectly again.

So this is probably more a lesson for me in the correct use of TC than a fix for any body else, but it seems gunked coils definitely interfere with TC.

Iā€™m sorry to hear so many are having probs with this mod- could be sooo good but it seems like they rushed the release, but as has been suggested, perhaps future firmware updates will solve these issues ā€¦fingers Xā€™ed!

P.sā€¦ just a ā€œby-the-wayā€, I mentioned at the top, I also got a Kayfun clone. It was made by Infinite.
510 was way too short to make a connection ā€“ I did get a connection of sorts, by by winding the centre pin all the way out, but it was hanging on by such a small amount of thread it was a really weak vape ā€“ Ahā€¦ the joys of the clone! Iā€™ve addressed the issue with FT ā€“ apparently, thereā€™s another base on the way.