The way I see things Pat…
First… Most on there are not how can I say this better? Let me break down your first post and go from there… might work a bit better for you and myself.
The first thing I noticed from you:
" I was looking trough my recipes and noticed that there is quite a bit of conversion that I am going to have to do based on the way that my mixing has evolved over the years, particularly around certain ingredients/flavors that fit the profile of “less is more”, things like acetyl-pyrazine, pure menthol and sucralose solute, and manufactured ingredients like some of the Super Concentrates tobacco blends just to name a few."
This is true…not that I say you lie, but that I agree on this. Less is more, in certain situations.
“I’ve never paid much attention to the reproducability of my recipes beyond my own ability to recreate them should I choose to do so, but now that I am participating on ELR and want to share some of the knowledge I’ve acquired,”
Why not? Do you not have friends that vape or mix too? If so, do you share with them, and if not… after all these years, why now?
" I realize that it’s difficult to ‘standardize’ the ingredients for some of the recipes I am most fond of, not because I can’t boil the numbers down to a specific percentage, that would be easy, but because I tend to dilute many of the flavorings, enhancers, and other solutions that I use when trying to achieve and maintain a perfect balance in my recipes. "
In flavorings and additives, I rarely dilute anything these days. There just is not a need, I don’t use sweeteners much at all. I create my own vanilla/vanillin, citric/malic acetyl-pyraizne (from powder) and I use ws5 and menthol. So I understand creating the dilutions. I have sold my recipes for all of my additives to a company I can not name, nda. However I do use the products I have sold and I am not bothered to recreate it every time I need it, I tell the lab and they send it out to me. I have been grateful for that, and it’s not often I run low, so no, I just do not do that any longer. From a manufacture that sells my creations, there is no longer a need for me to do so.
" Seeing someone put a percentage measurement of 0.10% of a particular ingredient on a recipe posting doesn’t seem so out of the ordinary I guess, but in batches of only 30ml or so, accurately measuring out .03ml of anything is difficult at the very best, so diluting that ingredient in a 10% solution not only makes sense, it’s prudent. I mean, let’s be honest, measuring .30ml is MUCH easier than measuring .03ml. "
Ok on this one I have to stop here and say… no one has yet had any issues with that small amount of mixing. I have had people mixing up my Winstin with no issues… and it has one ingredient in it with .07% or 2 drops or .04g/.04ml So what ever you have… post it up. Don’t be thinking it is too small to use or think others can not. I do not dilute Lime Wedge from FLV. Sure I could, but why make extra work when I can use a scale and achieve what I need?? You certainly would have issues with a syringe! I think you think I am pushing weight on you, but it is what works easiest for myself and others.
" So, having said all of that, does it make more sense to add unique ingredients to the database that pertain to diluted manufacturer products, along the lines of “Super Sweet (CAP) 10% in PG” and put the numbers I use to mix it, or should I boil down all the ingredients to the concentrations that are available directly from the vendors and let each mixer worry about how to mix in the minute quantities of each when I decide to post my recipes? "
@TorturedZen as already said:
but you did not respond to him like you did me. He is the one that helps with dups etc on elr, and a pretty decent guy… but you I guess did not see his post. Nor did you see how many agree with him. Cluttering up an already messed up database to me, won’t be so hot… keep it to notes like I said. Put a disclaimer on it. That you mix by using ____________.
" I am leaning toward the latter, as I think anyone who mixes should be quite capable of figuring out exactly how to get specific quantities of anything into their juices, but I figured I would try to follow proper etiquette and ask the forum for a consensus."
If someone is new, they might have issues, but they tend to go to the popular ones and repeat it all throughout elr. It is why the popular recipes are so popular. Let’s not talk about strawberry.
However, people that a bit of sense can mix most anything. I have seen some newbies, and even counting myself in this years ago, pick up mixing like a duck takes to swimming. What I am trying to say is do it. Just post what you do and hope someone can understand you… Don’t get all technical, but do not let someone get so lost either. It is a fine line and most only understand “I found a recipe and I mixed it and” so keep things simple.
I think you really on purpose take me wrong and it is easy to do in text. period. I broke all of your very first post down…
Perhaps now you understand where I am coming from. I have been around for ages, and have seen all kinds of things.
I even told you poll people to see how they mix.
Chances are tho, us users of scales as you like to call it… yes, we are a minority, however, being so analytical yourself, you already understand the reasons, yet again, you are still going on about it. It’s not me. I actually hope you will make a spot for yourself and enjoy your experience sharing recipes. It’s nice to see someone that is thinking before just sharing… Now go back and re read everything I said and think on what I am saying here. I know we both speak English… so yeah…
Your message this morning… yeah maybe you did take me wrong…
I also have a storm coming, family up from down on the beach and I shouldn’t have to do this, either yesterday or now… but I did in hopes of reaching out to you and sharing some advise.
You asked for it in your post, and this is just my advise. No you do not have to take everything I say as gospel…
Try to have a better day.
PS I have yet to derail this thread I wont email you, appreciate the offer.
For every application there is a process, a way to go about doing things… You wouldn’t want to take your chisel to something you only want to make fine lines on… you wouldn’t take a wide paint brush for those fine lines too. This is what I know. I can’t use a syringe to measure out .04ml of flavoring. (I could but I know I would be off in some way) so yes, scales do make better sense to me.