Vape Mail 2021

Awesome, I really appreciate that & you definitely scored big as well!! I was so tempted to grab a bunch of the cheap RTAs that they had but somehow refrained :joy: aka spent way too much on holiday sales at Wizard Labs, Heartland Vapes, Liquid Barn & Chef’s Flavours :shushing_face: :smirk:

& @muth , I’m not the best at describing flavor profiles lol, but the Tobacco Monster Smooth flavor is a delicious, slightly dry but sweet tobacco flavor. I don’t have many commercial juice flavors to compare it too (didn’t like Naked100 Patriot, Villain Vapors Capone was ok if i mixed with something else, didn’t try many others bc I found his fave after only a few other wasted bottles :grin:). We also tried the Tobacco Monster Rich (brown box), I thought it tasted very similar to the Smooth flavor but my fiance preferred the Smooth flavor. I’d say it’s a great tobacco flavor for someone wanting something in between an RY4 & an unsweetened “real” tobacco. It’s a lot less sweet than an RY4 & has a lot more tobacco flavor too while still being sweet, if that makes sense!


Looking forward to the showdown! The Mesh Pro (with triple mesh coils) has been my favorite subtank hands down, followed closely in second place by the Falcon and Falcon King (with M1 coils)


Was jonesing for a SS Juggerknot V2, yep, my 3rd, been loving it. A friend of mine was about to order the Fatal Mod stabwood edition from a UK website as it was on sale for $89 and low and behold QP had the same sale price :grin:

I wasn’t too interested in it, only uses a 20700 instead of 21700 like the non-stab version but thought what the hell.

Now I am glad I did, looks excellent with the matte black Juggerknot V2 and actually does decent TC. Much nicer mod than I was expecting and with a single 4mm multicore clapton this combo is delicious



SteamCraves and Cookies ??? !!!


Yum, Danish Butter Cookies :yum:
(Now I’ll go back and look at the vape stuff)


Flavor order came in from BCF yesterday,
Yeah, I double ordered Crispy Wafer WF :man_shrugging:




I’ll take that as a good sign :ok_hand:


that’s so pretty I could just about forgive using a 20700! :smiley:


You’re gonna have to get rid of those mods so you have more room for flavors :rofl:


What’s with the sewing kit containers?


:joy: Rocky knows what they are,


Does this count as vape mail?

I’ve been having problems with my Pulse V2 changing resistance randomly/often throughout the day… I’ve tried explaining a few different ways to them now… but I don’t think he understands whats going on.

What would cause a mod to repeatedly drop it’s resistance reading by sometimes over .1ohms every few minutes?
I really wanna say this new “Auto Resistance Renew” feature the Vandy chip has is flawed…
or are these just common problems when doing TC on cheap boards?
I’ve quadruple checked screws, posts, shorts, nubbins, etc, etc… there’s nothing wrong with my RDA or build… (verified by using it on all my other mods no problem)

Screenshot 2021-01-14 at 7.19.59 AM


Do you dry burn your coils before using them for the first time?

(That’s the only thing I can think of that might cause what I think you’re describing.)

EG: you attach your coil, then dry burn it to clean off any excess oils etc, but the mod has taken another resistance sample reading while it was still warm and the resistance was higher than it would be from the resting [cool] state.

So your original coil impedance was 0.20ohms.
You dry burn, the chip samples it as reading it at 0.29 (which it saved)
As it settles in (meaning continued samples are taken to “zoom in” to the actual performance), the readings are starting to drop back down to the ‘original’ measured target.

I’ve seen the above happen before with some devices, and as long as it settles back down to the target reading (where it performs as expected/desired), you really just have look at it like it’s “working as designed”, but (basically) with buggy programming (firmware).

Have you checked to see if there’s other firmware available?
Newer isn’t always better, but newer often solves problems. Sometimes you end up trading in a fix, for an entirely different issue though.


@Sprkslfly took my answer. I will add that I learned early on to take the atomizer off the mod, click the fire button with it off to zero-out the resistance reading, make sure the atomizer is cooled to room temp, put it back on and then see if it stabilizes.
I did have one similar issue with an Elder Dragon RDA where I had to back the 510 pin out just a hair because it was just a tiny bit too short on my Pulse but fit perfectly on all my other mods. It was pretty frustrating trying to figure out what the hell was happening because it was just that particular RDA.


Arrived a couple of days ago. I’m a bit late to the party, but really looking forward to taking this bad boy for a test run :smiley:


A short order of flavors came in from BCF today, one day ahead of schedule :grin:


3 x Wotofo Elder Dragons - the last of these wee flavor bangers I could find. Wanted 3 SS but had to settle for 2 SS and 1 gold. Am retiring my 4 wasp nano flavor testing setups in favor of these :+1:


Now if I can find some room somewhere…