LOVE LOVE LOVE the Pudding Base…
Super strong, and just tastes good: buttery, but not fake or nasty like the shit in Jam Monster - a lighter butter than that but also creamy and yeah hard to really find an every day comparison flavour because it’s unique to flavour concentrates, but it’s very, very good.
Happy I went with a 50mL bottle of that.
Matter of fact, if Jam Monster did use this instead of whatever crap they do for their butter, they wouldn’t have a fraction of the people complaining about how artificial it tastes, though I also recall Jam Monster Blueberry being SO high in sucralose that it had this additional, overbearing saccharine taste - god that an awful commercial juice.
One I’m very keen to take for a decent spin is the Barrel Oak concentrate, but I’m still trying to determine what exactly the Pudding Base compares to in real world foods and I cannot seem to find anything in my memory bank, which is alright though since @SessionDrummer has already written a comprehensive description of most these flavours.
It’s starting to remind me of a commercial juice I’ve had in the past though… I just can’t place which one… maybe Milkman Pudding actually, but minus the lemon.
First sniff from the bottle however I can say the Barrel Oak smells very much like vanilla essence, though I’m quite sure it won’t smell or taste like that once it’s mixed.
Wish I had some kind of tiny paint mixer with a dozen little slots for bottles in it…
Now for a honey and milk, to test both the Fresh Milk and Sweet Honey.
Already before I even started with notes and testing, I’ve mixed a hodgepodge juice with no measuring at all: just another few drops pg whatever flavour, shake & vape, try another few drops of another flavor etcetera, until I’ve arrived at a kinda banana pudding with honey and nuts.
There’s a good reason for this though: I need something nice to vape MORE than I need to fo SFTing at the moment so mixing anything from the VTA flavours is giving me a liquid that shots all over what I have been vaping last few weeks.
Also, mixing in such tiny amounts I’m using mere drops of flavorings while getting to know the flavours in a casual way before I start taking records and notes and being more controlled about it.