What Do You Really Hate? (III)

That’s the one! It’s even older than I thought it was. So the bastard killed one even older than that. :angry:


Why not just drill in, and take a core sample, and carbon date it ?

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He couldn’t, the stem was too wide. So he cut it instead. Or are you talking about something else.
He only talked about counting rings.




@Josephine_van_Rijn I love trees MOST of the time, and sometimes, to my/our own peril. Sure, sure, we could have cut it down years ago, but we figured we’d wait for the straight line / tornado storm, and well, we got our wish LOL. The WORST PART of it was, I was working 3.5 hours away. WHAT A DAY that was. Luckily I knew a great tree guy, who is one of the best Christians I know, and he was ON SITE within 15 minutes.


Can’t believe it was three years ago already @Josephine_van_Rijn.


Time flies when you’re having fun.


I hate it when I’m all set for a nice relaxing walk in the park with the dog and the first thing the dog does is run off, disappear into the bushes to eat crap or shit.
I’ve been at the emergency clinic before when she was fucked up on amphetamine after eating poop.
With hindsight I was lucky that my dog hasn’t got one single aggressive bone in her body.
You should find yourself in a room with one of those fighting dogs, fucked up on amphetamines, not knowing who you are any more.
Good luck to you!

Anyway, the punishment for that action is on the leash and straight back home.
I was so angry. It’s going to be 30 degrees Celsius today, the park will be flooded later until way past midnight.
No way she can have a run or a swim with all the barbecues and little kids with balls.

I felt like my whole day was spoiled. She slunk off somewhere in the house, I went into the garden with a book.
That anger was just not going away. I hate it when I’m angry, especially with my dog.
After half an hour I decided to give her another chance, it was still early enough.

She was very well behaved this time and we came home with our moods restored.
Now I can go back into the garden and enjoy my book.
The upside of the disappearance of the tree is that I have hours more sunlight.

If I’m very lucky the renovation of my house will be postponed a lot more and I can finally grow some grass in my garden.
According to their planning they will start at my house in February. They are doing the block in stages because they don’t have enough houses for the people that have to vacate the block to do it all at once.
They are still demolishing the first corner they started on. I will be at the end of the round.
Fat chance that’ll happen in February.
Not to mention all the crap we’re going to get to save the climate and the planet :rofl: As if.
No transport, no materials. :woman_shrugging:
It suits me fine.


@Josephine_van_Rijn, I’ve had this awful experience with my Labrador dog on more than one occasion and unfortunately it’s quite a common one especially for that breed. I do exactly the same thing as you did by putting him back on his lead and taking him straight back home telling him that he’s a dirty boy and with him in disgrace for the next few hours. I try not to make any eye contact with him although I know he’s constantly watching me and I don’t talk to him either, it’s hard but he has to know what he’s done is wrong. I feel so disappointed in him when he does this but thankfully it’s not as often now.


Eating machines! My previous one was worse. He had no standards at all when it came to food.
He wasn’t even a real Labrador, he had Rottweiler in him too.
This one will not eat vegetables or fruit. Unless it’s a barbecued empty cob of corn.
She even refused to eat a chicken foot once. Apparently it was off. So she has some standards, but not when it comes to :poop:
I get really pissed because it can be dangerous. She gets enough anyway.
Quality stuff, untreated, no bullshit added. She eats better than I do.
It costs me a fortune every month.
She will behave the next few days. She really doesn’t like it when I’m angry with her.
I rarely get beyond irritated. When I get really angry the bullshit usually stops quickly.
Wherever that bullshit comes from.
We’ll see how long the memory lasts this time.


I had a Malamute/Shepard that would do that all the time. He’d run off then come back just within arms reach, and dart off. Damn, he pissed me off. He never understood he was in trouble though. He’d think it was all just a game. My black lab on the other hand would never leave farther than 5 feet away and always came when called. Never trained her. She just got it.


@Josephine_van_Rijn and @Lostmarbles I found this helpful and at times funny in understanding why they do it.


She only eats human poop. The other dogs I had would use the box of cat litter as a snack bar.
Preferably fresh from the arse :nauseated_face:
She’s not interested in that. She ate her own poop as a puppy, that stopped when she grew up.


Oh the joys of the cat litter tray and that suspicious empty dug hole.:thinking::nauseated_face:


My box would be standing upside down. He would get his big head stuck in there and probably had to shake it loose.
I never forget the face of my vet when he asked me about the faeces of the cat and I told him I had no idea because there never was any when I looked in it. :rofl:
I’m glad she’s not interested in that. Saves me the unexpected waft of :poop: breath in my face.


We always try to clean it up as soon as it’s done but on occasion when the cat has done his business in the middle of the night or early in the morning is when my dog must have gone downstairs to check it out and done the “unthinkable” :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: it is very rare that he does this now though thankfully.


@Lucas_James_Holden and I both have a brown one. I understand there’s a big difference.
They told me the brown ones are a bit mad.
I agree. :grin:

I heard a story about a guy living next door to one of those guide dogs training centres.
He never saw a brown Lab among them.
He went to complain about it because it was discrimination in his eyes. They told him the brown ones were useless for the job.
No attention span.


I didn’t know that. I’ve had black lab mixes in the past, and they were good dogs, but Sasha was a pure bred and I will say that hands down, she was the most intelligent, empathic, and loyal dog I’ve ever had the pleasure of calling a friend. Funny thing is both her parents were chocolate labs. She was pure black. The only one of the litter. And a runt.

Great temperament too. Her hackles would rise and she’d growl if an unknown person came to the house, but once she saw they were friendly with me, she’d go in for a sniff and lay down. I’ve known a lot of labs that go ape-shit when a stranger walks up the drive way, but she would just watch and growl until it was determined if they were friend or foe.


They used to cull them. Anything that wasn’t black wasn’t considered a Labrador.
I think that was stopped somewhere after the 18th century.
The black ones are still bred with the specific Labrador characteristics. You can get them to carry a box of eggs home unharmed.
The coloured ones are bred mostly for their colour.
You give mine a box of eggs to carry and you can make an omelette.
They have silver coloured ones now too.
I saw one a while back. When Fudge rolls through gravel, as she likes to do, she gets that same colour.
I can switch, depending on my outfit. :smirk:

I saw an item on Have I Got News For You about a yellow Lab, a guide dog called Happy, who managed to kill two of his owners doing his job. :rofl:
This was in Germany. He was retired.
They say the yellow ones traded brains for friendliness.

