What Ya Vaping/Mixing Today? 2024

The flv apple filling dies a pretty good job at the cinnamon spice note by utself but vt bakery spice would also work


I completely agree with you on the mint. I absolutely love mint chocolate chip ice cream and I have a killer recipe for it but I can only vape it for so long. That KLKK recipe was a freaking obsession I’d work on it for a few days then put it away for months when it pisssd me off. Then I’d have a :bulb:moment and come back to it. Plus it’s only hard work if you hate it, I love creating so for me it’s fun. If only I could make good money doing it. I tried doing commercial recipe development and had some luck but it never worked out.


:tired_face:VT bakery spice really!!! Lmao I’m a Vape Train junkie and even I couldn’t find a good use for that flavor it’s like cinnamon, nutmeg, anise, and ginger, but mostly anise.


Really. I love that flavor. Its great in my pumpkin pie recipe. I dont get anise or ginger. Just bakery cinnamon , brown sugar and vanilla mostly. Like a more nuanced rich cinnamon


Hmmm in a pumpkin pie mix never thought of that. Sorry I was probably thinking of Chai Marsala it has anise and cardamom and ginger. You are correct the bakery spice has brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg.


Hey @McDuckie, this Key Lime Pie OS Fl aint too bad. I mixed it at 10%, nuked and shook it then let it cool. I think the bakery will come forward a bit more with some curing time, its there but light and i dont feel its graham. I swear im tasting just a bit of Fruit Circles or fruit circles with milk, just a hint of it. Pretty sure to be sweetened as well. Seems to have that weird fresh cotton taste just like KLP TPA but that should cure out as well, i hope.

Ill let ya know over the next few days how it goes but its a pretty good SnV.

EDIT: @SessionDrummer did you try this one?


Which one @Ken_O_Where, the RFSC Key Lime Pie ?


Flavor Jungle One Shot KLP. I quite like this.


No I sure haven’t, but it’s in the cart.


I grabbed it because i needed to add a few bucks to the total for free shipping and i have been on a major KLP kick lately. Ive created at least 3 dozen different variations and have a few more on the drawing board as i picked up Lime MF.

EDIT: I was just reading this on their site:
Applications: Beverage, home brewing, food, bakery, dessert, gummy candy, aromatherapy, perfumes, fragrance, potpourri, and “scratch and sniff” applications. Get creative with the endless combinations of our flavors!

Never considered scratch and sniff sticker making.


I think I am starting to get in on the KLP as well. I"m curious to see how they did the crust, and balanced the tart lime, and creamy filling @Ken_O_Where.


Did I hear grease?


Im hoping the crust comes out a bit more with a cure but thats an easy fix if it doesnt. I cant really place it, perhaps all the different mixes ive been vaping lately has dulled my senses a bit.


Even though some, scoff at one shots, JF/FJ actually does have some good ones, and I feel are better than some, many commercial juices. At least the ones I tried and liked were. I’m assuming a graham crust @Ken_O_Where, not biscuity ?


Im not getting graham on the vape or the smell of the concentrate. I dont really get a sugar cookie note from it either. So perhaps shortbread? Ill have to wait on that i reckon.

The quality of this off the shake has me interested in trying more of the OS’s.


Per my previous statement, I find it hard to argue with that. Hell, I even tested, and scored some of them. :slight_smile:

I got a jug of that KLP coming, and I’ll let you know. What % did they rec, and/or did you use ?


They suggested 9%, our site notes many said 11.5 so i went at 10% and i dont think i would go higher for my personal taste. Some of the notes said there is a big bakery finish but im not getting that right now tho i did just mix it an hour or so ago.

I do wish it was just a bit less sweet, that might be mucking things up for me.


And therein lies probably the big pitfall of OS’s.

I love this recipe …


Actually, I was talking about the FA Apple Pie because I don’t have FLV.


So just reading through the reviews on FJ’s site many mention light graham, im not getting any graham. Ill vape some anise and see if that helps, for some reason when i vape too much graham and go graham blind a quick vape of anise fixes it for awhile.