Hey guys/gals, we’ve got this topic scattered around, in multiple threads, and time is SHORT, so wanted to try and funnel most of it here.
Didn’t want a total re-hash of what we’ve covered, but I personally have stocked up on both Freebase and Salts. All broken down out of the shipping containers, into 500ml Wheaton bottles, topped off with Argon gas, capped, and taped, in Ziplock bags in my Low Temp Medical Freezer, which hits -30F. Paid a little extra, but the lower you go, the slower the chemical reactions are. I stepped up my prep and was running out of room, and picked up a regular temp freezer (-7F) and started loading it up as well. Shot an email out to Jake and team at Nude Nicotine, and got a response back.
I had been on the fence about ordering another Low Temp Freezer, or just use the standard temp, but after this email, and my investment thus far, will be picking up a second Low Temp, for peace of mind.
Should NOT be frost freeze ??? No worries just gonna buy another fucking freezer lmao…
I think all freezers are made frost free. Hell I bought my 30 cu ft freezer in the late 70’s and it’s frost free. They install heating elements in the freezer wall and they cycle on and off to prevent frost. The warming of the walls never defrosted my meat. Why should it get warm enough to unfreeze my nic?
Yes but in the response from Nude Nic it says they should NOT be frost free…I believe im reading that right
Auto Defrost or Self Defrosting is what she was talking about. The low temps I have do not, so manual defrosting only. That’s what you want.
Maybe. They have commercial freezer’s. They have 6" thick walls with aluminum skins. The roof has a drop down refrigerator/freezer unit.
I installed them at Great America for their food service vendors 45 years ago. Quite a different animal than what the average consumer buys.
So we don’t want thisbin the freezer correct
LOL, wait, what ?
You want one like I posted above. Deep freeze, NO auto-defrosting (manual defrost only), and you’re good.
I think they are all auto/self defrost. Same terminology. Different marketing.
Auto-Defrosting Freezers
Automatic defrosting freezers – also known as frost-free models – offer essentially maintenance-free performance. Auto-defrost components prevent the formation of frost by activating an internal heating system to deflect moisture away from the freezer compartment. This system avoids a build-up of ice you would normally have to remove manually in freezers without this feature.
I’m old enough to remember defrosting my parent’s refrigerator/freezer. We would chip the ice stuck inside the freezer and throw it in a bucket. Leave the freezer door open till the rest melted in a towel. My 30’ frost free gets ice build up around the hinges and anywhere the seals are broken.
So based on what I’ve read lately about bubbles = oxidization, I should stop shaking my juices and start simply tilting the bottle to mix?
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If you’re using salts with VG base I wouldn’t worry about shaking it.(Air won’t kill it if you vape it in a reasonable time). Just keep it out of direct sunlight and heat. I use FB that’s almost a year old in my custard base without I’ll effect.
Great news! I just received a reply from this business and for a small annual fee they’ll store nic. Fantastic!
Sadly they had dispose of all of the seeds that could have fed the world just to fit @natbone 's nic supply 
Shit, you discovered my little scam to get people to hand over their nicotine 
Ssshhh, you get the Europeans and I’ll get the Americans to hand over their nic and together we’ll rule the world.
Nicotine is a nice organic pesticide; if asked why they are storing it they could just say it makes sense that a seed vault would keep a bunch on hand… Brilliant strategy!
Hi everyone. Long time lurker, new poster. So I just ordered some more nic from Nicotine River. They come in the plastic bottles. Last time I broke them down to smaller glass bottles But they take up way more room this way and I’m running out of space, and another freezer isn’t an option. How bad is it to keep it in the original plastic liter bottle, is it better than nothing? and what timeline should I be looking for keeping those in the plastic? Is it just that it will degrade? Or is it harmful and will leach chemicals? TIA.
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