@INOIROC did you get one? So far pretty good. Tried dual 3.5mm but wasn’t happy, dual triple core SS 3mm is tastier.
No I haven’t. I never heard of it. To tell you the truth, I’ve never had a QP anything. I considered the MR RTA one though. It’s still on my radar.
I have never heard of QP Designs. Crazy man, Crazy. Anyway, they have some nice-looking gear and I love the idea of a “kit”. That looks nice @mjag. I must admit that I really like the looks of the Kali V2. Smart design and looks tasty.
If you can get your hands on a Juggerknot V2 then by all means get one, excellent RTA. The original Juggerknot was a disappointment for me but the V2 is a Wow tank. The Juggerknot MR is also very good.
For me the best QP design tanks are the Juggerknot V2, Fatality (both models) and the Juggerknot MR in that order. The Kali is good but not wow and the Violator is another good but not wow tank from them.
Oh hey @Dan_the_Man , looks like I answered your question above. So far I like the Kong much better than the Kali RDA.
I know @Letitia has some QP favorites as well, if I remember correctly the Juggerknot MR and original Mini which is another good one.
Do dearly love my og and mr jk minis.
I’ve only tried 2 QP Designs, and although the Jugger didn’t wow like the Fatality, it was still pretty decent.
I ordered a Pandemic RDA from Unicorn Vapes out of BC Canada on June 26th. I figured a week to ten days. It still isn’t here and is expected on July 21st. I’m not to worried about it but wish it’d hurry the F up lol. I keep checking tracking but nothing ever seems to happen. It’s been through SF so it must be taking county roads to get here. Here’s what it is:
I also have a Fasttech order coming that I check on 17Track net or whatever. The words are all in Chinese though so that sucks. I got a polishing rig for my mech mods and some dick lures I got as gag gifts for my family. We have tons of lakes around here so a lot of us love fishing. You read that correctly, I said dick lures. Dildo lures maybe? Lmao
I saw them posted on Reddit about a year ago by Fasttech weekly. They post whatever’s new to the site.
It looks like a pride march crashed into the Hellraiser float.
I guess it depends on what ya trolling for
Postman put these in the mailbox this afternoon. A gift from @Dan_the_Man
Been wanting some watermelon . so definate win win
Tfa butter scotch - might give flavorwest butterdcotch something it missing.
Lemon meringue pie . how did he know i liked lemon meringue pie.
Thx again
17track has a translation options in settings.
The Requiem kit I got a while back rocks. It’s a welcome change of pace. I usually like 21700 mech squonks and RDAs with a good amount of airflow more. The size of the mod is awesome. It so tiny. The RDA is giving me really good flavor. I’m using a Samsung 20S and an N80 SFC coil. It’s got 5 wraps on the bottom, and 4 on the top, and its got a 2.5mm inner diameter. It read .18Ω on my regulated mod. The build is a bit rowdy for what this is but I love it.
The fill thing in the bottle is a bit of a pain but if you go slow, it works fine. The RDA has a non-existent juice well so the flavor bursts more after every squonk. I just squonk it after every hit to ensure the next one is great. I put on a taller 510 drip tip because the included ones are way too dinky.
I’m trying a Dead Rabbit SQ for the first time tonight. I got it at Wet Vapes before they changed. It’s better than the Drop 1.5, I can tell you that much. It’s a similar vape style but this SQ rabbit has a smoother draw and better flavor. I’ve been liking it a lot. Same coil as the Requiem kit RDA only 5 wraps around a 3mm jig (.22Ω).
Big Bottles…i like big bottles , what do I use the TFa Butterscotch for
Nevermind I read your post after just lookimg at big bottles
Good to know i have one unopened in my Vapocalypse section
That’s funny because I accidently bought two. I guess it was meant to be.
Well, will you look at that? Thank you!
Even though I’m strictly DIY, I did get these but only because it was for a good cause. I did “taste test” them (why wouldn’t I though) and I know why I don’t buy commercial juice anymore. Man, they were as sweet AF . They didn’t go to waste though as I added some nic and gifted them on. The coffee mug however is staying with me