I never watched that movie (not a fan of based-on-a-true-story movies), but i can mention the one that should never ever be filmed - The Beach (DiCaprio). It ruined the secret little paradise Koh Phi Phi (and Phuck-et as well because of tourism); before the movie and couple of years after is like a day-night (well, tsunami helped as well).
I do remember that movie a bit, interestingly enough… Didn’t realize it was Kho Phi Phi
That famous beach was Maya Beach located in the nearby island to Koh Phi Phi; Maya Beach was still slightly protected from the mass tourism afterwards, while Phi Phi village took the hit with all that concrete, ‘fine’ hotels, pools and over-crowded jungle. True paradise before, not a fan of how it evolved. Have no desire to return.
(before The Beach and after)
Maya Beach before The Beach…(there were just about 8 of us on this beach/island)
turned into this

(Thailand's Maya Bay beach to close due to overcrowding | Daily Mail Online)
Sawadee my friend!
@Mikser… Holy hell brother!! That place looks AMAZING!! Minus all the ppl of course. Holy cow
I had to do a little review for this thread:
Thanks @SteveTC for the review as if I could buy a couple of those without facing the wrath of the law (corrupt or not) they would probably do given the circumstances.
Certainly not anything I’d be remotely interested in normally but if it’s that or nothing I’d take the first option.
I’m still tempted to dust off a couple of old egos to see if they work but from what I’ve been reading if I’m caught trying to enter the country with them that’s tantamount to trying to import vaping merchandise which is not something that will be treated lightly at border control.
You’re welcome and it inspired me to write one more review and maybe do a third one.
Arrived in Phuket yesterday and all is good. Egos were stuffed but
We haven’t ventured beyond the hotel yet as it was late when we arrived and we were/still are very tired.
As soon as we walked out of the airport I saw a middle aged bloke using a disposable.
I understand your frustration…
Wandered around Patong Beach today and the associated madness that are the shops and markets.
No I don’t want a new suit, a massage or a knock off handbag.
I didn’t see anything vape related being sold, although I didn’t look for it. However I did see a lot of people both tourists and locals (I think) vaping with disposables with what appeared to be little regard to who saw them. Out the front of Starbucks sitting down drinking coffee as an example.
That’s good to know
I’m a little surprised at the blatancy but personally I’m in the stealth group.
That’s where I would be too
Uh, i see things are getting even worse there… Phucket.
We went on a boat trip today to James Bond Island and I noticed two of the staff using double battery mods and drippers.
During the safety instructions it was explained there was an area at the back of the vessel where it was ok to smoke and use E-cigarettes.
I’m beginning to believe the laws are in place but are ignored for the most part.
I’m pretty sure prostitution is illegal and that doesn’t seem to bother the Thais either.
If you want to get high or medicated I see Cannabis is legal in Thailand.
That was just from one seller, where you could get 1kg for 83,- USD. You can get all kind of strains, looking all kind of ways. Just avoid dispensaries unless you want to pay 15 to 30 USD per gram for their fancy strains, because you can get some for 25 cents per gram that is perfectly fine with decent amount of THC and smoke 100 joints for same price as the fancy ones!