Driving in hurricanes …
Tornado threw down massive tree in yard, hit house, garage, roof.
Thanks Phil
Aww shit…hope the damage isn’t too severe. You giys be careful out there and I hope it goes away soon
Wife’s pics, still trying to get home…
Bummer SD, be safe mate.
Sparky! I don’t even know what that means. Remember, I have 2 speeds, slow and stop.
Oh No! Is everyone in the house okay? So sorry for the damage. I’ve had house damage caused by “the will of God” before and insurance covers it but it’s not fun when you have to temporarily move out. Any leaking?
Well, after SD’s falling tree I feel pathetic hating on a sliding fill cap. You know, the kind where the fill hole isn’t big enough and when a bubble gets caught juice pours down the sides of your tank? I bet that went over like a lead balloon
That sux SD, I hope you can get it fixed soon!
That looks bad. I hope your family is safe.
Sorry to hear that.
Hoping first and foremost that everyone is ok. Second, Lord spare the kit(s)!
Scrip = short for prescription.
(was talking about how Aussies are having to “fight” to get scrips for getting Nicotine. But they’ll write you out a scrip for some bullshit drug that’s “been approved”, but side effects may include anal leakage, ulcers, kidney damage, etc. with NO problem [and no risk to their practice] )
Your original pic in post 428, was for Hydroxycloroquine. WhateverTF that is.
The feeling is DEFINITELY shared my boy.
A wonder cure for covid 19.
I hate hatred