I am in the middle of a move and all flavors packed down, when I won surprisingly some Gremberry Solo one-shots. After @SessionDrummer was already enthusiastic after reading Imp Dust on one of the bottles I knew I had to post some reviews.
GRM Imp Dust ( Overall Grade: A )
Hardware | RDA / RTA | Sweetness |
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Style | DTL | Juiciness |
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Concentration | 15% to 16.67% | Mouth Feel |
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Steeped | 1 - 10 days | Throat Hit |
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Great already of the shake, very interesting with temperature control |
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: All by Itself : |
A nice, simple blend of Blackberry and Custard for those that like a Berry Custard flavor. -
Flavor Description
Direct off the shake it has a nice strong blackberry on the inhale and a smooth creamy custard on the exhale. This was unexpected for me since I normally require some steep for this flavor profile to be enjoyable for me.
After about 10 days the blackberry starts to mellow in and the custard comes out more with a mild almost creamy pudding-like texture and just the hint of the right eggy undertone.
I like vaping Imp Dust in temperature control, where lower temperatures support the custard more and higher temperatures bring more presence to the blackberry.
This concentrate is available at Bull City Flavors, Chefs Flavors or directly at Gremberry Farms. Recommended usage is 15%-20% and it settled nice for me at 16.67% (5 ml in a 30 ml mix), where it is fully present and not middle in your face.
My review of Grem’s Samoan Dreams isn’t as complete as yours but I just copied it from where I posted it on their website…
Absolutely wonderful! I used this flavor concentrate at 10% strength with a touch (1%) of CAP Super Sweet and it is amazing!
The caramel is front and center. The chocolate is a solid second. I don’t taste much coconut, so in my opinion, it could use a bit of a boost with a little more coconut, but that is just MY opinion. Overall, a well balanced, tasty flavor blend for a variety of uses!
My sister called it “a whole meal” when she tried it. Said it is very rich.
It’s great immediately, but gets better over time. After about two weeks the coconut is obvious but still not “kick you in the mouth” obvious.
Thank you! I have it at 15% atm and it is still not coming through for me. I will wait a few days and maybe try to retest it at 10%. For me currently it’s still chalky and dry and far from enjoyable.
Oh no! I’m sorry it’s not working out yet! I find it to be amazing! It’s been my ADV since I won the drawing about 6 weeks ago or so. I was SO excited to receive this one specifically because it’s my absolute favorite cookie, ever!
I use a Smok Vape Pen 22 with the .3 mesh cartridges and the hubs says he gets more flavor from mine than he does from his VooPoo with the U2 cartridges.
Thanks for the review.
From your review it sounds like it’s light on the vanilla: What I like.
I think I may give it a go and add it to my next Chef’s order.
I really like the way you formatted this review. Good job!
Thank you very much for your reviews. I was hoping that Chefs stocked the Samoan Dreams because it sounds like something I would like but unfortunately they don’t seem to have that one. I did recently pick up the Vanilla Overload but I haven’t gotten around to trying it yet.
Thanks for the time taken and the review @SteveTC.
If I’m thinking about buying a new concentrate I always come here first to check for reviews as I believe the vast majority are completely unbiased and can be trusted.
I do look around too but here is my go to so thanks again.
As promised (or threatened LOL) @SteveTC your review of the Imp Dust really was the motivation to check out some of these “Solos” (One Shots) from Gremberry Farms. Mixing these up now @ 13%, and will let them steep for 1-1.5 weeks before testing. ALL testing done on the SteamCrave RDTA v.1 using 7 wrap, single wire, Kanthal vertical coils, with fresh cotton and dry burned coils before every test. Mixed @ 70v/30p/3mg.
Apple Pie (Gremberry Farms) (One Shot) 13% (12-26-24) – Starting these off, the day after Christmas with this, the first Gremberry Farms “Solo” in this series. This one smelled different as an “Apple Pie” when mixing it up, so I did want to see what was what with it. It was a fairly unique take on an apple pie, and it had a fairly predominant cinnamon note. It presented as more of an apple pie filling paired with a Cinnamon Roll. Now the two did pair very well together, but it might be somewhat cinna heavy for some. At 13%, it was nicely strong without being overpowering, but I did get a slight harsh-ness, and I’m assuming from the cinna notes. Not off-putting, but be advised it was present. The apple pie filling was just below the “cinna roll”, and a little harder to pick out. Baked, sweetened apples, just like you’d expect or want from an AP filling. No real crust notes to speak of, and it seemed like the “cinna roll” (for lack of better term) was pulling most of that role. Slightly buttery, somewhat rich, and cinnamon-y.
On the finish there was that little bit of harshness, which again, I assumed was from the cinnamon, and could easily be smoothed out with a dash of Vanilla Ice Cream. All in, an interesting take on an Apple Pie that really did present as an apple pie filling, paired with a cinnamon bun, with a hint of harshness on the finish. For my personal tastes, I wasn’t sure if the cinna roll worked better than a traditional crust or not. Marking down for that a bit, and also for the slight harshness on the finish. 7.0/10.
Banana Cream Pie (Gremberry Farms) (One Shot) 13% (12-26-24) – This one was worth the buy, JUST for the bananas. This is probably one of the most interesting banana flavors I’ve tested. Now, I didn’t get much crust, so I’m still trying to decide on the “Pie” part of this One-Shot, but the nanas, WOW. It took me awhile to try and really break down the nanas, and the closest I could get, was almost a One-Two punch. It was like there was a smoother creamier banana cream carrier, but riding on top of it was a great, ripe, fresh banana. There MIGHT have been some light(er) graham cracker in there, but it was very light in the overall mix. No mushy, overripe brown bananas here, just ripe, and with both green-ish, and yellow. At 13% it was very full, and tasted perfect. No off-notes, or complaints, other than the almost missing crust. As I stated in the intro, this one was worth it JUST for the bananas. There were some artificial notes, but no Runtz here, and I’d ratio it at about 70% Natual / 30% Artificial. Throughout my tests, the way the bananas shifted around kept it very interesting. A keeper for sure, and only marking it down for the very light crust (graham ?), and leaving it high at a 9.0/10.
Berry Overload (Gremberry Farms) (One Shot) 13% (12-27-24) – Happy Birthday SFT out to the rest of you Capricorns out there !!! No better time to get some tests on. Whenever I hear descriptors like “Ultimate”, or “Overload”, I get into, “Yeah, we’ll just see about that” mode LOL. I don’t know if this was an overload, but it was good, none the less. This one, or the way it was layered, made it VERY hard to try and figure out, and/or explain. 3 testers in, I felt like I was not much closer than when I started. Overall, it always seemed to have a “red” profile. I couldn’t directly identify any individual berries, but thought for sure I was getting a red raspberry, and red currant in there somewhere. Other times, I almost got some cherry from it. No deep, dark purples in this one, but you get the “red” idea. At 13% I wouldn’t call it “Overload” strong, but maybe 7/10 on the strength scale. Sweetness was a tick below mid-level, and there was a nice little tart kick in there. The initial on-rush was fairly natural, bu tthe finish had an almost candy-like element to it. Pretty damned interesting. It was fairly complex, and really kept you guessing, which is most often a GOOD thing. No off-notes, or real complaints, with my only want, would have been just a bit more saturation. All in, (as close as I could get), this was a very nice Red Berry medley, with hints of cherry, with just enough sweetness and a slight tartness. Knocking down, only for the slight lack of “Overload” satuation. 9.1/10.
Blue Gremlin (Gremberry Farms) (One Shot) 13% (12-27-24) – It’s always nice when a flavor, or One-Shot tastes exactly like the MFG says it will. This one was exactly as described by Rich from Gremberry Farms, Blueberry Waffles, with a hint of Maple Syrup. Yup, yup, and more yup, that’s exactly what this tasted like. At 13% it was great, with no need to increase the strength. The Waffles actually tasted like the Blueberries were mixed IN the Waffles, as opposed to layered on top, and the Maple Syrup was low enough to not overshadow the BB’s, but just enough to be present. The waffle profile wasn’t a Belgium, but more of a traditional waffle with some nice thickness and weight to them, but with no burnt edges. The Blueberries were somewhat jammed/sweetened, and not fresh picked, which worked. No off-notes, or any issues, with my only “want” might have been a smidge more blueberry, but that is/was personal taste subjective. Sweetness was just below mid-level, and again, that worked here. All in, a very good authentic tasting blueberry waffle, with a hint of Maple Syrup. Leaving it very high with the only mark down for wanting a smidge more blueberry, 9.5/10.
Breakfast Blend (Gremberry Farms) (One Shot) 13% (12-27-24) – This one was billed as a Waffle, Tobacco, and Vanilla Cream, which put it very close to the just tested Blue Gremlin. Rich’s billing was right, as it was exactly as described. The waffle note, semi dirty tobacco, and vanilla cream. The waffle paired with the vanilla cream took on almost more of a Belgian type, the vanilla cream was sweet, and similar to an oreo cream, and the tobacco while not RY4-ish, was sweetened, and with some nice earthy tones. The three main profiles paired nicely, and was plenty strong at 13%. Sweetness was just below mid-level, and no off-notes or real complaints. The ratios between the three were done pretty good, wherein they almost completely blended into a new profile, but were JUST almost singularly identifiable. All in, it was an interesting blend, and could/would allow a lot of non-Bacco-heads to enter into the fray, without the typical RY4 candy-ness. An interesting blend indeed. With no real issues, or complaints, leaving this one very high at a 9.75/10.
Caramel Spice (Gremberry Farms) (One Shot) 13% (12-29-24) – Well, what was this one ?? A delicious Chai Tea, Light Caramel, and Cream. I drink a fair amount of Chai tea, and love it when I get one that’s homemade with Cardamon, Fennel, Ginger, and YES, Black Pepper. Cinnamon I can live without. This one, had some VERY good spices, and in just the right amounts. I could barely pick them out, but def. got some Black Tea (duh), Cardamon, Fennel, Ginger, and there was a slight BITE to it, and I was wondering if THAT, was the Black Pepper. Maybe. All in, the spices were accurate, BUT, not soo high in the mix to become bitter or overpowering. The Black Tea (as mentioned) was present, and accurate, and then came the very light caramel, and heavier cream notes. The caramel was present, but fairly low overall, and that allowed both the tea, and spices to come through better. The cream was spot on delicious, again, being JUST strong enough without overpowering the mix. At 13% it was very good, and nothing out of place to complain about. Sweetness was just a tick above mid-level, and it worked for a sweetened, Chai Tea. All in, this was the whole package, and if you DO like authentic, homemade Chai Tea, this one would be for you. Rating this one higher, as there was little to nothing to complain about, or want with this one. Easily a 9.8/10.
Chocolate Overload (Gremberry Farms) (One Shot) 13% (12-29-24) – Yet another “Overload” from Rich at Gremberry Farms. As with a previous “Overload”, it didn’t taste overloaded LOL, but it was good. My immediate reaction to this one was a “Full Spectrum Chocolate”. Throughout the entire test, I tried to disprove that, or come up with a better explanation, but that WAS it. I got a few Chocolate profiles from this one, including Dark Choco, Milk Choco, even White Choco, ALL in one package. It was fairly complex, and did wander around a bit while testing it, with some notes higher than other, and then they would switch. VERY interesting. At 13% it was nicely full with no need to increase at all. What was missing ?? Well, no bitterness, no dryness, and NO band aids !!! YES, the three enemies of all bad chocolates, and there were NONE present. Sweetness was just at about mid-level, and despite looking, I couldn’t find any stray, random, or out of place notes. It had an almost “thickness” to it, and with some good mouthfeel to boot. It also had a nice creamy-ness to it, that helped keep it velvety smooth. About the only complaint I could muster, would be that it WAS a coil gunker. With as creamy, rich, and good that it was, it almost felt like a nit-pick, but it did gunk up a bit. After 3 tankfuls I did need to clean the coils off. Even with the somewhat coil gunkage, it was hard to mark this one down. Taste wise, it really covered the full spectrum with plenty of dark, milk, and white chocolates, and none of the dry or bitter notes (or band aids). Leaving it high at a 9.2/10.
Cinn-Full Pear (Gremberry Farms) (One Shot) 13% (12-29-24) – I’ll admit, when I learned this was a Pear, with Cinnamon, and Graham, I didn’t know what to think. My first thought was, “This isn’t going to work, and isn’t in my wheelhouse”. Well, hehe, looks like I was wrong !!! The three main profiles, worked SURPRISINGLY good together. The Pear was crisp, juicy and fresh, and the Cinnamon was present, but fairly restrained, and quite a bit lower than the Pear, which was a smart move, as it allowed it to just accent the Pear, but in no way overshadow it. The Graham was higher in the mix than the cinna, but still much lower than the Pear, again, accenting, and filling out, and rounding out the combined profile. The Pear had an almost Fuji Apple like bite to it, and it helped to keep it punching through.
At 13% it was damned full, and sweetness was at about mid-level, which tasted JUST sweet enough, without being too sweet. The Graham really added some weight to the mix, and thickened it up just a bit. Although I couldn’t overtly taste it, I couldn’t help but wonder if Rich threw just a little dairy, or cream in there to smooth out the Pear, JUST a bit. Not creamy, but smoother than you would expect for a Punchy Pear, Cinnamon, and Graham. No major off-notes or complaints except for a slight dryness on the finish, but that was about the extent of any issues. All in, a bright, juicy pear, with a hint of cinnamon, and some delicious graham. A VERY interesting, and unique profile. Leaving this one high as well, at a 9.75/10.
Creamy Coconut (Gremberry Farms)(One Shot) 13% (9-24-21) – This one was a super rich treat, and I had to wait till a second tankful to get a good grasp on it. I couldn’t decide if it was more of a Creamy Coconut, or a Coconut Custard. I think I’m leaning towards the Coconut Custard. A good ratio would be about 55% Custard, 45% Coconut. The custard seemed like a mix of maybe CAP’s VC and one or two others, that was perfectly suited for pairing with a Coconut. The overall impact was a super rich, and delicious custard, that flowed into a somewhat receded coconut. The coconut was similar to TPA’s Coconut Candy, which leaned towards more candied than natural, but not entirely. It was hard to completely identify the coconut because the custard base completely enveloped it, and, in a good way. The super rich, and almost perfect pairing of these two elements cannot be overstated here, and it really needs to be tasted to be fully understood. Very skillful on the balancing act between the two. Sweetness was above average, but felt where it should be, and @ 13%, it was very full, rich, and present, without being overbearing. If you are a coconut custard fan, this one WILL work out for you. Only minor takedowns, not for taste, but for it presenting more as a coconut custard, than a creamy coconut, and for the lighter, more recessed coconut notes. Very good mix here, and I’ve already polished off two tanks, if that’s any indication. 9/10.
Dryad (Gremberry Farms)(One Shot) 13% (10-3-21) – This one was billed as a Butter Pecan Ice Cream and at times, it did nail that, other times, it wandered around into almost an RY4 with some butterscotch. Every so often I got an almost burnt finish on it, but only every so often. @13% it was super full, and rich, and above mid level sweet. I’m not sure why it “wandered” around on me, but at times it was a fairly convincing BPIC. After (2) 3ml tester tanks, it was somewhat “gunky” so the sweetness was clearly to blame. Taste wise, and convincingly-wise it was fairly buttery, and tasty. Minor takeoffs as it did stray a bit to my tastes. Nicely done, and it felt good at 8.8/10.
Gremlin BS (Gremberry Farms) (One Shot) 13% (12-28-24) – I skipped ahead to this one, as it smelled TOO good when mixing it up, and glad I did. This one smacked me in the face with some delicious buttery overtones, right out of the gate. And yes, unlike Caramel, a real Butterscotch is LOADED with Buttah !!! Brown Sugar, Butter, and Salt (optional) is all you need. This one just oooozed butter when smelling it, and that carried over when testing it. Rich, buttery, and smooth were the big take-aways on this one. It had hints of some caramel, but only hints, and never left the firm footing of a BS. At 13% it was solid, and I didn’t feel any need to increase it, and it was about 2 ticks below mid-level. Throughout my tests, it was soo similar to a butterscotch candy that it was eery. Just silky smooth, and buttery. Glad I skipped ahead with this one. After the buttery-ness, the second most impressive aspect, was a very nice, darker caramelized undertone, which did nothing but help sell it even more. Authentic, buttery rich, nothing left to want for with this one. No off-notes, complaints, or even wants with this one, and leaving it sky high, and just south of perfect, with a 9.9/10.
Gremberry Crunch (Gremberry Farms) (One Shot) 13% (1-1-25) – Breaking into the NEW YEAR, with this, my FIRST REVIEW, for 2025 !!! I could tell what this one way immediately, and it was a Looper. Nothing wrong with adding one to the Gremberry Farms roster. It had some good cereal notes, some lemon, and some creamy-ness. Now I could detect some Fruit Circles in there, BUT, Rich was able to keep it at bay with some Crunchy Berry Cereal, and some Creameries. There was some Pledge to it, but only just a hint, so Rich did a good job of including it in this Solo, but not letting it run over the mix. There were SOME light grains to the cereal, but only some. Sweetness was a few ticks below mid-level, and the Dairy/Creamery elements did give a nice base for the cereal to ride on. No off-notes, with the exception of the lovely Pledge, courtesy of the Fruit Circles, and at 13%, it was nicely strong. All in, it was a good basic Loops/Looper with a nice dairy carrier. Not super duper, but not bad either. This one felt good around the 7.5/10 area.
Grem Melon Balls (Gremberry Farms) (One Shot) 13% (1-1-25) – At first, I wasn’t sure what to make of this one, because, well, “Melon Balls” makes me think of juicy Melons. Now there were some melons in there, but it was actually billed as, “Melons and Berries”. I think Honeydew was the predominant melon profile, but the pairings left somewhat of a mystery. At times I almost got a Watermelon Candy from it, other times, some fairly non-descript dark berries. As opposed to a typical “smooth” melon finish, this one had a little more Sweet and Tart to it. Not off-putting, just unexpected. At 13% it was fairly strong, and near a 7/10 on the strength scale. I didn’t pick up any overt off-notes, and didn’t have any real complaints, other than the somewhat reduced saturation, and pairing choices. It was very unique, but I wasn’t 100% sure I was sold on the medley. All in, it was an interesting Honeydew melon, paired with some lighter non-descript dark berries, with hints of watermelon, with a nice tarty finish. Whether or not that overall profile is in your wheelhouse will dictate a scoring far better than I could. As it stood, a great idea, just not 100% sure on the implementation. Leaving it still fairly high at a 7.6/10.
Hobgoblin (Gremberry Farms) (One Shot) 13% (1-1-25) – Having just worked on a Community Project for a Dreamsicle I did want to get into this one. With orange creams, you really need both, and this one had one in spades, but not so much of the other. The orange/citrus notes were sharp, zingy, and punchy, but the cream seems to have fallen by the wayside. The orange was maybe one of the BEST I have tried with both orange, and blood orange profiles. Zingy, and I could almost taste the actual citrus oil and zest. Very natural, and authentic, with plenty of citrus zing. The cream as mentioned, was there, but truly overshadowed by the orange notes. I could taste it, and it did bring SOME creamy-ness to the mix, but only as a carrier, not a main note. I could have easily fixed this right up with some TPA Vanilla Swirl, and maybe a dash of FA Vienna Cream. As it stood, at 13% it was solidly strong, and no off-notes, with my only complaint being the lacking cream/creamery to smooth out some of the citrus, and push some vanilla into the mix. To my tastes, it tasted like it was about 65% of the way to finished. If it were just an orange, I’d rate it much higher, as again, the orange/blood orange combo was NEXT level. But, as a Orange Cream, going to knock it down a few and leave it at a 6.7/10. I could see using this all day long in an Orange Cream / Creamsicle, but, would need some creamy help.
Imp Dust (Gremberry Farms)(One Shot) 13% (9-24-21) – After reading @SteveTC review of this one, it actually COMPELLED me to buy a few of Gremlin’s “Solos” (One-Shots), and try them out. I think his review of this one was spot on. I found this not only an interesting pairing choice by Gremlin, but also a nicely executed one. Because of the custard/pudding elements, a 2 week steep seemed to be a wise choice. The Blackberry greeted you right out of the gate, and in the middle and end, the creamy, almost pudding-like custard carried throughout the finish. The Blackberry although tempered by the creamy custard, still held it’s own, and while missing some of the bright sparkly punchy notes, did not get lost in the mix. The custard (as SteveTC said), was almost pudding-like, with maybe just a HINT of eggy-ness, but it was soo low in the mix, it really did present as more of a pudding. At the very end, there was almost a smidge of dryness or bitterness, and I’m sure Gremlin could have erased that by adding more sweetness, but they didn’t, and that restraint, was well received. Sweetness was at, or just below mid level, and you COULD enhance if you felt it necessary. The pairing of the two main elements was skillfully done, and neither overpowered the other. I can see why this is one of their better sellers. While trying to deconstruct the Blackberry element, it almost seemed as if there was maybe some rich blueberry in there, to round out the blackberry. All in, this was a great Blackberry Custard, that was just fruity enough to keep it interesting, and creamy enough to keep you interested. Nicely done by Gremlin. Easily 9.8/10.
Llama Spit (Gremberry Farms) (One Shot) 13% (1-5-25) – LAST ONE on deck, from Rich at Gremberry Farms. This one took my previously tested Red, White, and Blue (Strawberries, Vanilla Cream, and Blueberries to the next level, by adding Banana into the mix for a 4’fer. But was it ONE better ?? Ehhhh, kinda. While I loved the RWB, this one’s inclusion of a Banana, did shift the mix more than expected. The banana was fairly forward in the mix, which left my beloved, previously tested trio behind it. It’s not that it was bad, but the banana did overshadow most of the “other” three, leaving them harder to pick out, and left them as more of a carrier FOR the banana. NOW, the banana was great in this mix, very natural, with a 65% yellow, 35% green overall taste. What WAS interesting, was that after the banana subsided, I did get different flavors poking through at times, sometimes the SB, sometimes the BB, so that was interesting. Because there were four profiles now, the overall perceived strength seemed a bit weaker than the aforementioned RWB, and it was near a 7/10 strength wise at 13%.
No real off-notes to complain about, and sweetness was still a few ticks below mid-level sweet. Not a mashup, and not blurry/blurred, just not as focused as the RWB. All in, a good fruit combination, that leaned banana heavy, with the SB, BB, and VC acting as more of a carrier. After 3 tanks, I finally decided to leave it at a still high 8.5/10.
Red White and Blue (Gremberry Farms) (One Shot) 13% (1-4-25) – 2nd to last one in this series from Rich at Gremberry Farms, with this, the Red, White, and Blue. I can tell you that the moment I started testing this one, I loved it, just an almost perfect triple pairing. Strawberries, Blueberries, and Vanilla. I think the reason this one took off for me soo much, was because the whole Strawberry and Cream type thing, has really been overplayed in a lot of ways, and this one, was really a different take on it. It wasn’t a TRUE SB and C, but you’ll get what I mean. The Strawberries were bright, punchy, juicy, and RED. Not jammed, but with plenty of pectin-like punch to them. Sweet, tart, and perfectly placed in this mix. The Blueberries were below the SB’s, and just enough to throw it in a different flavor direction. The vanilla was creamy, but not a milk or cream, but almost kind of like a vanilla yogurt base, but without the gert. All three profiles together, really played off each other, in a tasty way. Strawberries hit you up front, then the Blueberries, and the Vanilla finished it out. VERY nicely done by Rich, and a damned tasty mix.
At 13% it was just about pefect strength wise, and it was about a 9.8/10 on the strength scale. Sweetness was actually about two ticks below mid-level which left me enjoying it even more. ZERO off-notes, issues, or complaints, and I (rarely), couldn’t think of a way I’d improve it. The BB’s added a very unique push to the overall flavor, and has some nice tartness of their own, and added, just a hint of musk, and in a good way. I couldn’t tell if it was just the BB’s, or Rich’s choice of the Creamy-ish Vanilla that made it really different than just a standard SB and C, but it did. Very tasty, hard to put down, and before I knew it, the bottle was empty. All in, a very tasty, and fresh SB, BB, and VC mix. Almost perfect, and about impossible for me to mark down. 9.9/10.
Pink Sunburst (Gremberry Farms)(One Shot) 13% (10-3-21) – Who doesn’t love Starburst ?? I sure do, and I was excited to try this one and see how close they came. I think this one was “in the ballpark” for me. Def. a pink candy of sorts, and there were aspects OF the Starburst in it, but it never truly took off for me. “Pink” was the best way to describe it, and being a medley of sorts, it was hard to pick out exact fruits, but needless to say, “Pink” was the implied profile. Just above mid level sweet, and 13% felt pretty good, and I don’t think increasing the rate would improve this one much. As it stood, just a so so flavor, and could be used to base/bolster pink candy vapes for sure. Leaving it solidly at a 6.5/10.
Purple Gremlin (Gremberry Farms)(One Shot) 13% (9-27-21) – Having never been a HUGE Grape Vaper, I am always anxious in trying a new one. This one, actually surprised me, and actually DID present, JUST like a Grape Bubblegum. Now I haven’t bubblegummed in years, so I won’t be able to precisely nail down which exact brand, BUT, it was an impressive, accurate representation of an American Bubble Yum-ish bubble gum, but tempered with a really good grape. Both the BBG and Grape were candied (duh), and I could almost pick out the pink in the gum, just below the grape. Gremlin did a skillful job of mixing the elements again, as they WERE perfectly paired. You could almost pick out the white (starch I think) coating on the outside of the gum. Was def. above mid level sweet, but what would you expect in a sugary gum. At this testing weight, it was nice, and in your face, but not overblown, and I actually liked the fact that I could pick out the pink gum, BUT, also the grape. Wow, actually, very spot on, and this is coming from the guy who doesn’t vape grape much. If you like bubble gum, and in the grape variety, I think you will not be disappointed with this one. This one might just make you want to vape the grape. 9.85/10.
Vanilla Overload (Gremberry Farms)(One Shot) 13% (10-3-21) – If you think about it, testing Vanillas can be tricky. Why ?? Most times, they’re Vanilla Custards, Vanilla Puddings, Vanilla Cookies, etc. Of course, when I loaded this one up, the first thing I thought of was, “Could this be as good as DIYFS Holy Vanilla” ? This might be, BUT, in a much different way. The first thing that hit me was how clean this one was. A nicely full, clean, somewhat lighter vanilla. Now just because it felt a bit lighter than say DIYFS HV, really didn’t leave it lacking in any way. At 13% it was nicely full, not overly rich, but did have some good mouthfeel. No custard, no pudding, no cookie, no ice cream here, just a mid to high brightness level vanilla that was fairly complex. It was full enough, that it could easily be pushed into a milkshake if needed. It had similarities to other Vanillas I have, but really felt more like a medley, and a surprisingly good stand alone one shot. For a very clean vanilla, with great mouthfeel, this one should work for you. Impressive @ 9.9/10.
White Gremlin(Gremberry Farms)(One Shot) 13% (10-9-21) – After much delay, finally able to get into this, my last Gremberry Farms One Shot in this series. This one, proved to be rather interesting. It was billed as a White Cake with a Berry filling. Actually, that’s pretty close. At 13% it was full, but still somewhat relaxed, and did convey a fairly convincing White Cake, but with an almost berry edge to it. The berry/berries was/were very low overall, and at times almost disappeared in the mix. Maybe by design ? The White Cake while very good, wasn’t the richest or fullest that I’ve had, but strangely that didn’t detract from the overall experience. The berry “edge” seemed to reveal itself closer to the very end, and “spiked the finish” as it were. The berry/berries tasted like a darker variant, and eluded exact classification, and had just a smidge of an almost jammy tartness that allowed it to push through the more dominant cake. At times I almost wished there was more of either the cake or berry, but even with that, it was a satisfying mix. All in, it was great flavor, and fairly unique, which is always nice when you’re looking to add another flavor to your collection. Sweetness was about mid level, and expected for a cake flavor, and the berry/berries kept it JUST a bit more interesting throughout. Finishing off this run with a nicely placed 9.1/10 with this one.
@SteveTC I hold you responsible !!!
Back into the frey my mixing mentor @Mikser.
Imp Dust (Gremberry Farms)(One Shot) 13% (9-24-21) – After reading @SteveTC review of this one, it actually COMPELLED me to buy a few of Gremlin’s “Solos” (One-Shots), and try them out. I think his review of this one was spot on. I found this not only an interesting pairing choice by Gremlin, but also a nicely executed one. Because of the custard/pudding elements, a 2 week steep seemed to be a wise choice. The Blackberry greeted you right out of the gate, and in the middle and end, the creamy, almost pudding-like custard carried throughout the finish. The Blackberry although tempered by the creamy custard, still held it’s own, and while missing some of the bright sparkly punchy notes, did not get lost in the mix. The custard (as SteveTC said), was almost pudding-like, with maybe just a HINT of eggy-ness, but it was soo low in the mix, it really did present as more of a pudding. At the very end, there was almost a smidge of dryness or bitterness, and I’m sure Gremlin could have erased that by adding more sweetness, but they didn’t, and that restraint, was well received. Sweetness was at, or just below mid level, and you COULD enhance if you felt it necessary. The pairing of the two main elements was skillfully done, and neither overpowered the other. I can see why this is one of their better sellers. While trying to deconstruct the Blackberry element, it almost seemed as if there was maybe some rich blueberry in there, to round out the blackberry. All in, this was a great Blackberry Custard, that was just fruity enough to keep it interesting, and creamy enough to keep you interested. Nicely done by Gremlin. Easily 9.8/10.
Added to the list. I am going to need to get Wifey a Harrod’s advent calendar to offset my vapey purchases.
Is a Harrods advent calendar expensive then?
Silly question I know as it Harrods but my point is I take it that’ll soften the blow.
Harrod’s is infamous for being ridiculously over-priced. Luckily Wifey accepted all of the Asian profits on a series I’m making. So, I may be safe to sneakily get a Vapesmarter mod made for me.
I went there a few years ago expecting some sort of palace and quite honestly it didn’t impress me.
There was a shrine to Princess Diana and Dodi Alfyad ( or however you spell his name) on a particular floor by the escalator which I found very sad for obvious reasons.
My kids loved the toy department as there was so much more than was available in Australia and I remember the food court but other than that I must admit I thought “what’s all the fuss about?”.
I think we agree on it, though taking the kids to Hamley’s would have been better: they encourage play in order to drive sales. Harrod’s is only really useful if you need the private floor: If it is essential to get two tigers in a tank of jelly in three days, then their team can handle it. Or, if you insist on having a .50 cal semi-auto rifle to deal with your rat problem: Well, they’ll make sure you are an RFD [Registered Firearms Dealer].
The floor makes things happen.
Edit: The UK is limited to shotguns and .22 rifles under two separate licences.
Creamy Coconut (Gremberry Farms)(One Shot) 13% (9-24-21) – This one was a super rich treat, and I had to wait till a second tankful to get a good grasp on it. I couldn’t decide if it was more of a Creamy Coconut, or a Coconut Custard. I think I’m leaning towards the Coconut Custard. A good ratio would be about 55% Custard, 45% Coconut. The custard seemed like a mix of maybe CAP’s VC and one or two others, that was perfectly suited for pairing with a Coconut. The overall impact was a super rich, and delicious custard, that flowed into a somewhat receded coconut. The coconut was similar to TPA’s Coconut Candy, which leaned towards more candied than natural, but not entirely. It was hard to completely identify the coconut because the custard base completely enveloped it, and, in a good way. The super rich, and almost perfect pairing of these two elements cannot be overstated here, and it really needs to be tasted to be fully understood. Very skillful on the balancing act between the two. Sweetness was above average, but felt where it should be, and @ 13%, it was very full, rich, and present, without being overbearing. If you are a coconut custard fan, this one WILL work out for you. Only minor takedowns, not for taste, but for it presenting more as a coconut custard, than a creamy coconut, and for the lighter, more recessed coconut notes. Very good mix here, and I’ve already polished off two tanks, if that’s any indication. 9/10.
A tempting option. And, another dent in my finances: I will see if @SessionDrummer insurance is an option.
GRM Creamy Coconut ( Overall Grade: A )
Hardware | RDA / RTA | Sweetness |
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Style | DTL | Juiciness |
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Concentration | 15% to 16.67 % | Mouth Feel |
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Steeped | 0 - 14 days | Throat Hit |
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Great of the shake |
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: All by Itself : |
Simply put, this is a nice creamy coconut flavoring. Simple and delicious. -
Flavor Description
This is a smooth, full-bodied vanilla sauce wrapped in a creamy coconut. This is not just any creamy coconut, but precisely this soft, creamy part of the coconut between the pulp and the coconut water. On a higher percentage, I could get a hint of the pulp on the exhale. Being not the coconut guy I enjoyed this and had to go through 3 testers to finally be sure that there are no changes after two weeks. Yes, the first two testers were finished just within days.
This is already a great off-the-shake.
This concentrate is available at Bull City Flavors or directly at Gremberry Farms. Recommended usage is 15%-20% and it settled nice for me at 15%.