WHAT Has Made You Smile Today? (III)

Having an odd event outside my personal office: This was the sound of a rather large pressure release from an exploding bottle at my window - without any source after inspection: It’s always nice to know that I annoy the vexatious weaklings. Me not giving a shit reminds all that silly games are just tiresome.

The smile comes from their failed attempts to scare me.


They look very healthy. Will you plant them or mount them as hanging plants?


haven’t posted for a while on here figured it was about time.
I was torn between what made me smile and vape mail.
technically it’s both. yesterday i received a pure selfless act of kindness from a member on here I don’t even know “AH-HEM Cough cough” @Pastorfuzz.
sorry to blow up your spot on your selfless act… but, it if anybody is new and sees this,
this is what kind of community this is.
I just happen to ask about Rick sugar daddy sweetener. I couldn’t find it at DIY FLAVOURS… plus, the whole controversy that session drummer spoke about. The next message that came across was send me your address and I will send you a bottle free of charge!. that made me smile! That’s what kind of community this is In my experience anyway thanks for listening


That’s what we are here for. To help each other out.


@D-a-M-o-N, that’s just HOW he is.


He’s been doing it, for QUITE a while …


@Jetz does the same, even offered to send me a different type of sweetener that was clear instead of opaque. There are some really good people on here that go above and beyond.


@Ianc13 I’m glad you posted this, as I was going to say the same thing about Darren (Jetz), but didn’t want to, as he DID ship me flavors to review, BUT, the fact remains that if indeed, the DIY/Vaping Community is but a SMALL part of their (FLAVRZ) business, and I believe they/we are, then he’s REALLY making a “Good Showing” here, and I hope that people are noticing that.

When he started posting some of his FLAVRZ recipes, I noticed there was a fair amount of “Blow Back” about the brand, and an almost assumption that they were rebottled/re-branded. Right out of the gate. This was WELL before he contacted me for any reviews. He clearly, and articulately made his case, explained what (and even HOW) the did what they did, and there was STILL apprehension. Maybe that’s good, I mean, why not.

He contacted me regarding the reviews, and since I HAD seen the comments on his recipes, I felt, this was the PERFECT TIME to see what was what, and I felt like I needed to be the guy TO do it. Very shortly after I started reviewing the FLAVRZ flavors, I knew they were NOT rebottled/re-branded. Some were GREAT, some were good, and some were so so, and I tried to report my findings as such.

I’ve watched how patient, and active he’s been, trying to help explain, and RE-explain their brand, take some hits for the flavors not being super strong, etc., and he just still keeps coming back, and offering up help, recipes, and more.

The moral of MY story is, I watch closely when people contact MFG’s, especially with questions, or problems, and I watch how they are answered, or handled, and that says a lot. I think for many reasons just like this, when I’m asked if I would BUY flavors from @Jetz, even IF they aren’t the strongest, or shipping from around the world, that I say, “Yes, I would”.

I wish MORE vendors/MFG’s did that. I’m currently testing their Shortbread, and it’s got some damned buttery GOODNESS going on, so let me stop this rant, and get my ass back over to the FLAVR review thread, and keep knocking them down.


The vaping part of the business is tiny compared to the food and beverage usage from what I gather. The fact that Darren even comes here and gives so much is a reason why I will support them. Also, they are an Aussie company and I actually know people who know the owner and some of the staff helps with that.

Oh, the “mainstream” social media mixing groups here seem to think they are fake, rebottlers and/or dodgy. This is from people who blatantly admit that they have not even tried the products. Just because they haven’t heard of the brand they are ready to crucify it.

Number one positive compared to pretty much any other brand I think. There are others I see offer some communication at times, but usually only when directly contacted. @Jetz is a credit to the industry on how to do things the right way with customer service and communication.

They have won me over as a supplier to use…


I whole heartedly agree with that! They have been extremely helpful with the two orders I have placed with them! I will continue to order from them for that very reason, also I honestly like their product


It’s always nice to see that others employ the ‘pay it forward method’.

@Rocky02852 sent Sage (OoO) to me, so I sent out flavours others wanted.


Is Salman Rushdie now auditioning for Archangel in an Airwolf remake?

If so, it would have an air of irony to go for the angelic after all his works.



What happens when we get three Bank Holidays in May: A major threat emerges to threaten our simple traditions.


Just put a twirl in instead


I like Twirls but actually prefer the Flake to be honest. Yes, it’s a bit messy but seems to have a different flavour IMO.


I guess the Brit’s will say the same :woman_shrugging: it does suck when product quality changes.


Oh yeah, I got a new phone & am trialling using Firefox on my phone & pc, thanks @Ianc13
Hopefully that will eliminate all the bugs I was having.
A current operating system on the phone will probably help too :grin:


Last night about 10 p.m., hubby asked if I wanted to go catfishing.

Ok, sure…so I put on my shoes and he called me out to the front yard.

He put weights on his fishing line and was casting his line out…then out of nowhere, my kitty came out and was catching the weights on the line.
