Recipes @NewDrip noticed that we were in need of a category specifically for recipes - I agree! So here we are! NET Creations and Reviews Post reviews, methods and all other things pertaining to NETs - Naturally Extracted Tobaccos. This category is not limited to just tobaccos, but everything DIY-extracted, such as coffee or teas as well. Flavors Post everything about flavorings here! DIY Juice Reviews Put your reviews on DIY-liquids here! Clones This section is for clones. CBD The CBD posts were getting lost and needed a home of their own. This sub is for all discussions pertaining to cannbinoids. General General talk about e-liquids - DIY or not Beginners NO QUESTION IS STUPID! We are here to help! Ask, and you shall receive answers! Flavor tasting notes Place all your tasting notes in this category! Vendor Juice Reviews Put your reviews of vendor-made juices here!